Thursday 10 December 2015

Day 896

Day 896;

So today was another day for exist through, and I have.

Today at eating times I started off by eating the usual. Then for lunch I had spaghetti hoops on toast, with ham and cheese, but for pudding I had two slices of cakes; one fruit and one sponge. Next up was dinner and I know that I ate my advent calendar chocolate and some more of my chocolate box for pudding but for my main course I don't have a clue. But my BMI has gone back down to Mondays level.

But today I have been to the gym and before I finished in the gym today just after Mr P congratulated me for my attempt on the rowing machine, at which I shook my head meaning please shut up, I know I did  terribly today, as I had stopped twice and my time for rowing 1000M was slow it took me longer than 5 minutes I mean honestly 5 minutes is long enough to boil a kettle. But Mr P informed me that he liked my attitude, my attitude that noting I can do is good enough so I have to keep on pushing myself to get better, if your wondering where this is it's generally in sports and it's not just an attitude It's the facts. As nothing I do can ever be good enough until I get it done perfectly and then every time after that I'd be trying to get it done perfectly again, but then if someone else beats my "perfect" score my score obviously wasn't perfect so I must try harder. I am every time that I go into any gym expecting to do everything perfectly and if it's not done perfectly,  like every time, I just have to get stronger (faster etc.) to help me bridge the gulf to a perfect score.

1. The thing that happen to me this morning
I was somewhere on the edge of sleep when mich came into my room and announced that I had gym today, so I had to get up, so I did, but I was a little distracted by all of the voices in my head telling me what I should have typed about last night and I have picked out  four to type about today/the four that I can remember, and that was the first of the four; the one titled the thing that happened to me this morning.

2. Spooky football match
So the spooky football match was that game that happened yesterday it was the one that Manchester United lost to make them the first English team out of the Champions League but that wasn't the spooky part to it as the game played out almost exactly like the at least one of the defeats that I have witnessed to my favourite football team this season it even went down to the disallowed goal in the first half as in the team that I support scored first then but their lead didn't last long as the opposition scored very quickly then I'm unsure if the parts happened the same way around in the game that I watched but there was a goal disallowed, to the team that I support, and a goal scored, to the opposing team, that happened before the break, then after the break the team that I as supporting scored to make it 2-2 then the opposing team scored a third to make it 2-3, bad result but it was an exciting game.

3. Tyson Fury
Tyson Fury yesterday attempted to clarify his meaning to the provocative statements that he made some other time you can listen to them on the BBC's radio player if you would like to hear them and then you could then take either of the sides within the debate but I am thinking that he could have just have simply said "that wasn't what I meant I apologise for all of the misunderstanding caused" and then when the radio man says well what did you mean, then go into your spiel of how you meant to say it. Instead of just going into your spiel, but I know that isn't Tyson's character. As he has had one of the belts that he had won taken away from him due the the rematch that is scheduled between him and his opponent which was wrote into the fight agreement which I think has disqualified him from fighting this next other opponent so therefore he has had to give up one of the belts.

4. Catholicism and Christianity
Now this is kind of related to the Tyson Fury thing as Tini was saying that Tyson wasn't a Christian he was a bigot due to Mich's bias retelling of the radio show that we listed to by just stating his personal opinion on the man which wasn't balanced at all e.g. he was saying that he thought that "all women should know there place, either in the kitchen or on there backs" or something like that. But you could read more about the place for women in the bible which seems similar to what Tyson was saying so I'm thinking that he is more christian than you give him credit for, especially as you were saying that he should love everyone if he was a Christian as he said after going off on his spiels.

Now this is an observation about life which has perplexed me since I have become a cripple, which is that more people want to  talk to/at me now even though they already know that I can't respond in words to them.

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