Wednesday 30 December 2015

Day 916

Day 916

So I disagree with the Jediism for a variety of reasons, like 31/33 Jedi Teaching to Live by, of which you may see some things in your dreams that you think are premonitions of the future but which may make you take certain actions that weren't advisable, in a hope to avoid the instance happening , like how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader to stop Padme dying in childbirth, of which unintentionally caused her to die in childbirth. But when did Leah get to spend her time with Padme as she states in episode 6 to Luke as he asks her what can se remember about her mother 

for breakfast I ate CAB again, Cereal Apple Banana. For lunch I ate a pork pie mini sausages t, mini sausage rolls, cheese, a couple of Chris's and I don't know what else it I know what I ate for pudding, as I ate another one of Emu's rocket road which had improved in taste since the last time I had one, as it had less marsh mallow on it, but that could just have been the one that I are had less marshmallow in it. then for dinner tonight I had... I can't remember, damn you Captain America.

My reason for damning Captain USA is because I was watching Cap A; the Winter Solider instead of typing what had been eating for dinner onto this webpage.

Is it Spring already? I questioned Allergy and she responded with her usual "Wha..." then I pointed out of the window at the sun and she told me it is what's called late summer, which I have to admit the weather looks more like a late summers evening than a spring day now that I look upon the sunny landscape of outside.

I also remembered to get to work on my e-card project today, but it should still take more time than I actually have especially with all of that watching I have still got scheduled. But I'm only down to the final 4 parts. of which I could realistically forget about as they were just basically some more Easter Eggs. But I could have probably got it up a couple of days ago instead I'll just save the extras for another year.

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