Thursday 31 December 2015

Day 917


So for breakfast I ate another CAB, Then for lunch I had the left over Pasta and cheese but I can't remember what I ate for pudding. then for dinner I ate some chicken, in bacon, I'm sorry Christians that follow there religious texts, you know religiously, Jews, Muslims and every other faith group that has some on eating not just meat but mixing the cuts of meat together, I know I'm a very bad man, if I was your god I'd have struck me down long ago but, I'm not your god.

If I was godI could understand things better, like how Disney has managed to get his mousey mitts on both Star Wars and Marvel, not that I'm moaning as I like all of the shenanigans that they have collaborated on, that I have seen at least. But I was thinking that there was a monopolies law or something like that which was set up to stop one company making too much money out of the same area, and getting a monopoly over the market to encourage competition, , and make it a more fair place to work.

But that's the thing this place that we live in isn't fair if it was totally fair there'd be no people in the would there would only be land on the equate and there wouldn't be any vegetation never be any rain it woulf judy be a baron rock floating around in space.

I went to the gym today as well.

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