Monday 30 November 2015

Dy 866

Day 866;  

Ain't it amazing how I can go from sneezing up buckets of that stuff that comes out of your nose when you've got a cold 2 days  ago to being someone that could still feel the cold like symptoms yesterday but no sneezes, I was thinking that I had got over it, but then today the sneezes came back with avengence. 

But then today I remembered something that I should have put into my report on yesterday, my diet, as I have decided to include everything that I have eaten on a day included as well, so that way I can keep a better track on my Svage life (the name of my Wii Fit U community) please join the code is 8939-7481-7070.

So what I ate at meal times yesterday was,  cereals at breakfast then I ate a bowl of soup and bread for lunch then at dinner yesterday I ate chicken balls and chips from the Chinese take away.

But today I have eaten a bowl of cereal for breakfast, for lunch I had a cheese sandwich which was followed by an Aero chocolate mousse (oh the problems I have had attempting to spell that), then for dinner I have had chicken wrapped in bacon (of which I am sure there's a taboo against mixing two separate cuts of meat in one religious set of properly old rules) which was delicious but then there were some carrots which tasted just sublime pea's and roast potatoes, then to top this meal I had some tiramisu, which acted as the proverbial icing on the cake.

Aero Mousse

Aero mousse: the  problems I had with spelling that were the word Aero- which I thought should be spelt Aroe, but the red squiggle underneath disagrees. And the second word "mousse" or as I initially spelt it "mouse" which is a little 4 legged creature which squeaks a lot, but then knowing that I thought that can't be correct so I attempted "moose" of which is a much bigger animal, than a mouse, as it's a species of deer but I thought that can't be correct, then I found the correct spelling.

I'd expect my bmi to go up by at least 1 pound from all of the stuff I've been eating especially as I haven't actually done as much exercise as yesterday, due to the fact that I have been inside for the complete amount of time of today. Which may have been due to the inclemency of the weather but I think not as I know that if I could have actually been bothered to go outside today I would have I was just too lazy to go outside, but my BMI only went up today by point 3 which is a change of literally negligible proportions, not even a pound.

Which may have been due to the fact that I was doing a little bit of Wii Fit and I was rowing a bit (Well actually for 5 minutes), I also remembered something that Mr P told me to do to strengthen my core, sit-ups, so I did 20 of them as well.

Aero Mousses I only ate one of them not 4 as the picture above suggests.

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