Sunday 8 November 2015

Day 844

Day 844;

Now today was a good day, except for that little amount of time which I didn't have my specs on for, but it was only because I am unsure if the people that I was with at the time know how blind I am without them.

The small plaster which had been put on my head was also an irritation. As today I had Boccia practice and I actually bowled a fluke that won our team 1 point, which was the only point that we actually had in the whole game, The other team had already won two of the other rounds, sets, I don't know what to call them, by 1, 4 and 5 then I managed to knock the other player on my teams ball closer to the jack and with that ball it also managed to edge the opposition colour ball slightly further away from the jack and just with that fluke shot I was out of Boccia bowls, then it was the turn of the opposition and none of them managed to get a ball closer to the jack. So that was fluke 1 the other fluke came with my first bowl in another game/set, not mach...

Typing of tennis Andy Murray has just managed to earn himself a place in the French tennis thing final, I send my congratulations to the scot, and I hope that he does well. But now that's enough about that old thistle of Scotland I must get back to the  topic I was on about previously.

As I managed to get my bowl closer to the jack than the other thrower on the first bowl and then three other team kept attempting to remove my bowl from play but they didn't manage until their final bowl and then neither of us, my team, could out bowl them so they got 3 on for that round.

Star Trek: Deep Space 9, I heard of a thing that they're doing about it at some comic con somewhere on the radio today,

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