Tuesday 3 November 2015

Day 839

Day 839;

Now the next day has past me by. Buy today I didn't get to go to athletics, ut was something to do with my head and when my specticles had dug into my head the other day.

But I have a problem within the star Trek universe it's a problem with paradoxes. It's as there was a Star Trek episode that I saw today that dealt with the defiant crashing on an alien planet and then they found their descendants on the planes surface then the desendants attempted to get them the repqar rgw accident that put them 200 years in their past...  GRRRR... I can't read what I have wrote down so far ,

Have a good day on whatever you are on, my eyes are now playing up on me, so I'd like to state that as soon as my eyes are behavimng I will try to/// remember ...

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