Friday 27 November 2015

Day 863

Day 863;

Oh damn it I had written a nice enough longer diatribe of what happened yesterday while it was still yesterday/day 863, but now it is all gone.

So I can't remember any kind of dream I had yesterday morning, but I'm thinking that I had one.

Ok now I did go to the gym yesterday and Mr P commented on my lack of core strength, as he was saying that I have fantastic leg strength and my arms can lift some weight but I really need to work on my core and get some abs.Dashing off a short was down memory lane say 10-14 years I'm thinking that I may have actually had an ab back then, that was it my 1 pack, I can still see the remnants of it if I look down at my tummy area whenever I take my t-shirts off so he sen me away this week with orders to strengthen my core.

Before that I noticed I was getting a bit flabby as well by flabby I mean some of those little like wings had started to poke their way out of my sides. and I had started to watch the 30 day Wii U Fit  challenge.

Actually he inspired me to get my sorry backside downstairs and to train on my Wii Fit U a bit more, as the Seated V, it's a Yoga position, or at least I think that is its name is good for your abs, and I can remember doing that bit of yoga a lot back in my past.

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