Friday 6 November 2015

Day 842

Day 842;

Today was a day of the number 8 then half then half it again, but it was a disappointment of a day also, as probably due to the incident that happened some time last week when I bumped my head.

Bumped your head? Didn't you cut our head?

Well you see Yellow. in actual fact I bumped my head on the floor which pushed my specs up into my forehead which caused a cut to appear but it has been healed now for a while.

So when I was going to the gym today my gym instructor didn't show up, so I didn't get my workout in the gym today. which seriously sucked majorly. It sucked more than a jar of pickled eggs without the pickles. But now I'm not going to be allowed to ask if I can still go to this week ends Boccia training, as I might have been banned for mucking up the hall floor with my blood.

I'm hopping I'm not banned from going, but I should get next weeks free as I had to pay to go into the Gym today even though I didn't do a thing in the gym today, In my past I used to be more of a Ferengi. but I admired the Klingon's, but even though I admires the Klingon's I thought the Jem Hadar were the greatest fighters. As thet have more brains than the Vorta, the leaders of each JH unit, but the United Federation of Plants now have the ...

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