Friday 20 November 2015

Day 856

Day 856;

But today was interesting as I started off sucking at Splatoon's ranked battle mode, then I was on the winning team in a few goes, but I was still the weakest link on the teams that I was part of, generally.

then the teams that I was on started suffering another bit of poor fortune then the power light on my controller started to flash red,

You called?

No, not you, the colour red.

Oh darn it.

Which meant that the batteries of the gamepad were low, so I finished up on playing with the winning team n ranked battles, which came as a shock to me.

But today I actually had my gym session and Mr P made a remark about my crescent moon scar that I have on my right hand side of my forehead. Something about it being more pronounced with the rest of my face being red and i have that scar, still scar coloured.

But as it's the second time that I have been to that gym, and I have actually worked out so the trip to that gym 2 weeks ago doesn't count, and I've noticed some things about it which could be more to do with the time that I have been there as I initially noticed the smell which could be due to the smell as I am usually going to the gym earlier so it may not have got that smelly by the time that I go there. The air conditioning wasn't on as powerfully as in the other gym which does effect the smell but it also effects the humidity but it may just be that by the time that I was in the gym today it was already dark outside so they thought that they wouldn't nerf to put the air conditioning up to max. Then I went on the cross trainer which id the same model as in the other one but I found this one more of a challenge, as I said earlier it cit could be for numerous reasons like, I'm just no longer as fit as I once was. 

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