Tuesday 24 November 2015

Day 860

Day 860;

My day started as it so often does with me waking up, looking around a bit and then day dreaming for the next so many hours.

But my day day dream this morning was freaky to say the least. As it included a girl that I knew from Junior School which was the approximate last time that I spoke to her, which was way back when I could actually speak, she's not even a FaceyBook friend of mine, At least I don't think that she is. But I'm sure that her presence in this dream would make more sense if she was. As this dream was attempting to make me uncomfortable with the size of my penis, then the girl that I knew but it was more of a knowledge of who the girl is not actually knowing her as a person, was there to make me feel more comfortable about it's size.

So that lasted for he first hour or two of my day, then I ate my cereals but I left my fruit portion for later, then I took my shower and after that I got dressed. Up next I'm unsure what I did as I know that I ate lunch after the point that I just stated "up next" to dignify but I am unsure what it was that I did. Then here comes the next part that I'm unsure of what I did until I was struck by a reminder to go and get something to eat before athletics of which I did then I got changed for athletics, but with that statement I have remembered one of the things that I was doing at one as I was checking my emails and Mich had emailed me with the information about me going to a classification clinic for disability sports, so I've got that to look forward to coming up in the future. I have got another thing that I did today, which was some athletics but today I practised the hammer throw as well as Jog, which was me attempting to run, I think that I also had a couple or more throws with a ball which looked like a shot put but it wasn't. Then we went inside and we played around on these mats.

Also today I caught back up on watching Doctor Who *Spoiler Alert* how long do you think that Clara will stay dead? *End Spoiler*

So that was my day.

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