Wednesday 31 December 2014

Day 544

Day 544;

So today was the eve of new years eve, which means that by the time that you're reading this (at earliest) it will be new years eve.

But today I haven't found time to make my Festive (Fez-tive) project a reality at least not today which should mean that the earliest that I would be getting it up isn't until after the new year so it'll be late like the majority of my work.

But I'm about to tell you all a very good bit of news, but this isn't something that actually impacts you at all as I have got the imprisoned defeated for the third time within the awesome game Skyward Sword, how I managed to get it defeated was by acquiring the assistance of Allergy to do the actual slashing, stabbing and movement; and I was the brain for this endeavour as I told her how she could defeat it; which was restively simple so even I could have done it; obviously as long as my arms would have cooperated which is basically my only issue.

What about the fact that you're insane?

That actually helps me in completing the games, if I wasn't insane I'd still probably be back at Skyloft trying to learn how it is possible for a humanoid can ride aback of a Loftwing, which is a giant bird, especially a person such as Groose would probably be too much weight on that bird, and how about the birds flimsy bones, as the bones that the birds are made out of would be hollow but it will also make them pretty timid.

But tonight on DVD's, I have watched X-men Days of Future Past, but as I learnt from watching it it was set after the film that Xavier dies, Magneto gets his powers removed and that Wolverine kills Jean,

But the events of the former films mustn't have happened.

But we saw Wolverine killing Jean, in the film. This film is confusing especially if you have seen X-men 1, 2 and 3 before it, as at the beginning it's got Xavier and Eric alive and fully powered up, but the medication the Xavier and beast took shouldn't have taken Xavier's powers away as beast could still transform into beast or xavier should have got a new power from taking the medication e.g. Mystique's power or just part of it for however long that it lasted,.

Stop picking holes in a decent film.

Ok. I'll leave you all, but if I could just state this fact which is a little pick, I guess, The film said that Mystique only killed one man before her death but she was an arch villainess in the at least 3 of the other X-men films including one where she states to a guard I'm going to kill you myself and then she precedes to execute that scheme, as well as the guard, later on in the film, which must have been before that occurrence that Xavier said she hadn't killed anyone until the man that gets her killed which is obvious as she's not died but the the man that she kills was also much latter on in her time line, very confusing. 

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Day 543

Day 543;

So today was a day which only needed a twenty one on the end to get a fantastic number, the number which is from five to one of which I am currently feeling as if I should crack a joke about it being five to one o'clock in the morning as I type this for yesterday, but I'm not about to for one good reason; it's not five to one am as I'm typing this.

I have been having the feeling that I should be getting back to my festive season E-card project soon else it won't be the festive season anymore as I finish it.

As I have been watching some more of Star Trek; Deep Space Nine today, plus I have got a bit of my redemption today also as I got around to playing on Skyward Sword, within the game I healed the second dragon, with the life fruit from the tree of life, to of it you have to pick up the seed for the tree then you can go to Faron then to the sealed grounds and then you should go into the temple, note that there is a hole for you to put the seed in on the left hand side of the wheel of time; go into the wheel of time then go in the direction to the hole that you just noted place the seed in that hole, get back to the wheel return though it then tun back yo the place that you marked previously, roll into the trees then the fruit will fall collect the fruit and take it to the dragon problem solved now it's just time to get back to Faron Defeat the Imprisoned and ask for Farons part of the song. I'm almost on the home straight in completion of the game.

Monday 29 December 2014

Day 542

Day 542;

So on this day I remembered the thought that I was thinking yesterday, it was about something called Mocha, who Allergy said was a colour but I was trying to figure out what it was, as I thought it was a type of food/drink; as it was sung about by the artist called Lady Marmalade.

Today I didn't manage to get any game time in to my schedule with the exception of the daily Wii Fit, I have been watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and I've also watched Guardians of the Galaxy. That is all that I have done, and can remember of, today.

Sunday 28 December 2014

Day 541

Day 541;

So today has been the 541st day, within this unexciting trip down the linear progression of time, as that is how I view this world.

Such a pity that I cannot remember even half of the instances that happened to me on this day, let alone in my past.  But today I could remember one instance of thought that I was having during this day, but then I forgot the actual thought, it wasn't about Hyrule 20,000 or about Hyrule 2000, which are two concepts for two separate but similar Legend of Zelda spin off games and I've got a third one also, which is called Hyrule pre SS, and the third one is the war of Hyrule that was before Skyward Sword, and the Hyrule 2000 would be about if Hyrule was in the time of the 20th century earth with all of the weapons and the conflicts that it entailed to us, and the Hyrule 20,000 is just set in the future of hyrule Like the Star Fox and Metroid games, So each of these games could be released with a couple of actual Zelda games to pad out the time line into the futuristic games and Tingle could have you on speed dial, so instead of having navi f=shouting hey at you every time she notices something, you could have the crazy frog in your pocket shouting at you then you pick it up and you get "Kooloompa Mr Fairy, your wii remotes batteries are running low" or something about the enemy that you have got a target lock on.

But sadly I didn't get around to playing on Skyward Sword today, but I did play on Hyrule Warriors which I could point to as a little bit of an inspiration for the three previously mentioned games.

And I can also remember some of the other things that I did, as I watched some of the episodes of Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Day 540

Day 540;

So it has been the day I numbered 540, and just was almost all others I have forgotten what I have done for the most part,

The only thing that I can actually remember about the day will be the game of football that I watched the team that I supported played the better football over the course of the match had two goals disallowed for offside even though the first of the two goals should have stood defiantly, according to the teams manager of the team that I support. And if they had allowed the first of the disallowed goals then the game would have been tied at a score of 2-2 instead of a 1-2 defeat, the opposition must have only had 3 shots no the team that I supports goal in the whole match, only one of them was saved by the goal keeper,  The two that weren't saved were just 1 on 1's with the keeper, without a  defensive player even close to the oppositions player, but so what can. I do about it, at all, let alone now it has already passed us by.

So what else can you remember about it?

Thank you for asking me about that.

Well  I should think you are, especially as you were hinting at it so much.

Me hinting, on this page?

No not on this blog in your head, fool. 

Oi shut it, Now wh... I remember, I was about to tell you about how I epically failed to get any progress on my Legend of Zelda, quest but I remembered my time spent yesterday as Link in Super Smash Bros and I spent a little time as Toon Link today, in Super Smash Bros.

Friday 26 December 2014

Day 539

Day 539';

So today was the day that I have numbered as above but it was also Christmas today, Christmas was a Christian tradition which has been adopted  by the western world and it has got a lot more secular/better due to that fact,  but obviously the majority of traditions that we have to do with it do no originate from the Roman Catholic Church, the first branch of Christianity to celebrate it.

And we should all know why that was.

No why?

The Catholics had many festivals along with the many gods that they worshiped so one of the ways that they got people to go to convert to Christianity was by inventing celebrations around some of the myths of the bible which were also existing within the pagan norm, like the festive celebrations of Christmas almost all parts of it have something to do with the time honoured pagans, like the evergreen trees, a they were a symbol of fertility and some pagans would chop one down in the winter time to decorate and put it on display.

But that's enough on the pagan origins, so today I was having a good day, up until lunch that was, as Tini had made a spectacular feast for us all to enjoy; and I ruined it. For two of us at least if not all of the people that were there, the two people that I definitely ruined it for was Tini and myself, as I swallowed two pieces of melon whole, and the apparently damaged my oesophagus, which caused me to convulse, vomiting phlegm up.

So much so I went to the hospital's A & E who just said basically it should pass with time, which it did, and Mich did say to Tini in the hospital while we were waiting to see a doctor, "you were saying that you wanted something interesting to happen on Christmas day, but probably not this interesting" or words to that effect. All of the food that I have eaten today consist of breakfast cereal, fruit, then approximately one pice of ,melon as one of the pieces came back out of my mouth with the phlegm, but I eventually got to eat a load of mini hotdogs later on tonight.

As you could have indubitably  guessed by the above story I didn't get to play any Zelda games today,  the closest I got to playing on any Zelda game was in Mario Kart 8 as that was one of my gifts and you can buy an expansion pack to which allows you to race as Link, and you've also got a whole new grand prix which is set in Hyrule, of which I haven't got, at least not yet.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Day 538

Day 538;

So it has been day numbered 538 today and what have I learnt?
I have learnt that Sony isn't as big a coward as big theatre chains, and thankfully there are some smaller cinemas and cinema chains to pick up the pieces left behind when they bail, i am typing about the film called "The Interview" who hackers that are linked to North Korea, apparently, but surely the hackers or the "Guardians of Peace" I know that this is just speculation totally unsubstantiated conjecture in every actual way but it seems to be to me at least that they have used the Islamic version of the use of the term peace.

Let me elaborate, by the islamic version I mean that they, the Muslim public, will be brandishing the word peace by saying things like Islam is the religion of peace meanwhile thousands of people are being oppressed by the religion that they are defending, globally, but they'll say that they aren't real Muslims that do the atrocities very much like Christians but the thing is that Christianity isn't known as the religion of peace as they acknowledge there different groups as the same religion both Catholics and Protestants as it was many years ago but then both of the groups have each spawned different denominations from themselves even of the Catholics have, there is the one group that serve the pope and the rest of them/cultural Catholics,the'll go to church every Sunday, or Saturday, they'll sing all of the hymns they'll even confess their sins to the little creep that sits in the box, but they won't be practising very many of the "lessons" learnt, the church doctrine, out and about.

\the schism of the Faith of Islam has been made clear to me by a Muslim "apologist" in his defence of his faith, by stating words to the effect of that the passage is only for the Shia Muslims, but they are a separate religion to the good decent Muslims that we all know here in the west,, but I may have to stress that some of them wen over to the East to help fight in the was that are breaking out over there, , and some of them might have took note of what is going on about the Kim Il fella and they may have also taken note that the truce between North Korea and the west has been holding steady now for quite a while so the hackers from the Islamic state could have decided to launch a cyber attack on one of Americas biggest companies to hopefully start up a world war 3 which would consist of the us throwing nukes at NK and NK retaliating with the whole of the western world caught up in the cross fire which should just leave the eastern world for the Guardians of Peace, to convert to Islam, and then you'll have the peace that they are guarding.

But that is just my potty idea of what shall come to this world, I'm unsure if I mentioned this earlier on but properly decent hackers would leave bread crumbs (a trail); to a location that you would think they'd be coming from not to where they actually came from, now that doesn't take too much difficult thought  now does it? I'm unsure of how to do that but maybe they could be piggybacking through the North Korean servers and then from there they could have piggybacked off of many different severs, for an example if I could build my own server I could go the south Korea and then use some of North Koreas Internet allocation to then to if I could I'd hack America. But that is just my thoughts I only have very little knowledge of how to Hack, and that comes down to the trail and error approach and that is only as I'm very forgetful so I am attempting to hack my way back into my accounts of which 99% of the time I fail, which usually ends up in me sending off for a reset to get my passwords reset.

But today I did get in some small game time it was on Majora's Mask but I remember thinking my memory was incorrect about something but I can't for the life or death of me remember what it was that I typed  the last time that I commented on the game. Who is the pig in the stained glass? Gannon? no as he hasn't been born yet in the time line, demise? no as the Princess Zelda was still a Princess in the corresponding picture  instead of Zelda was she was when Link defeated Demise and Demise wasn't a pig.

And finally have aran excellent celebration of the winter solstice tomorrow/today as it shall be the 25th of december when this is posted.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Day 537

Day 537;

So today I haven't actually played on Zelda games, again, as it was Tini's Anniversary day today, it was the anniversary of the day of her birth, if you want to be picky; Emu! But I was shortening it for her card.

Potentially as I was running slightly behind on time while I was making it. Besides today I got myself back up to where I wanted to get to on my festive e-card by yesterday, so I'm only 1 day behind schedule now,

So please allow me to get this correct, so you started this project two days ago and you're only one day behind?

Urm yeah.

For pete's sake how hopeless are you?


Don't Answer that question it was a rhetorical question.

Ok.Today I have been looking up on more of the Zelda fan theories. And the following one caught my eye, even though Ravio bears a striking resemblance to bunny Link from a Link to the Past (alttp) But you could retain your form if you had the moon stone but that was the dark world not Lorule and Link faces no physical changes after entering Lorule, without a moon stone?

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Day 536

Day 536;

So today it has been the fifth hundredth and thirty sixth day of my life and on this day I am kicking myself as I knew there was something that I've been planning to put on this website but I have forgot it.

It could have been Allergies complaining about my hair as I don't want to go to the hair dressers, which is for the reason of at the hair dressers they charge you money to get your hair cut, but I know that Tini had a set of dogs hair shavers a while back and she always did a good job on the dogs, before she became allergic to dogs hair, so why can't they just do that to me; why can't they just shave the hair off of my head?

Now i didn't get any of any Legend of Zelda game played today, which was as I was creating my Festive season card today, so watch out in yout inboxes in I have you in my address book, as you may just get one.

Monday 22 December 2014

Day 535

Day 535;

So today I went to my GM and GD's home, which was up in the west country.


I said the west country not the wild west.

O... o... oh... shut up.

Moving on, as you asked Green, I today on the way back from the house in the west country I played on the Zelda game Minish Cap. On today I managed to defeat the complete temple, minus the starting section, which included the boss battle and finding the Map, the boss key, and the compass, in I think the reverse order to what I have typed them down. So all that I can remember that I have to do is I have to take the forth element to the sword restoration room to make the sword the Pictori Sword and then I should break back into the Hyrule castle through the defences that Vatti has put in place for himself and then I need to defeat Vatti, and then game over, game complete.  Hyrule saved, the princess saved from her life as a statue.

But I can't allow that to happen until I have completed Skyward Sword.

Sunday 21 December 2014

Day 534

Day 534;

Now today I got a... .. oh dam and blast I've forgotten.

But what I can remember about today was I got to play some more on Skyward Sword, I managed to get through the Lanayru gorge part, with a little help from Allergy. but now I need to find a hole near a time shift stone to place the seed in, so I can watch it grow into a tree, then I can pick some fruit from it to heal the dragon, so I can learn the second part to the song.

I also fixed some of my blog entries. But I( didn't manage to get around to fixing the rest of the ones that need fixing, I must try harder to get around to them.

Plus I've had an idea for a humorous t-shirt, on the front it says 'The "Virgin" Mary' and then beneath the text it has got an image of Mary in bed on the wall behind her it has a calendar and it has the date marked up as the 20th of March 1 BC, on the back it has an image of santa in his sleigh  riding off, with the text under it saying; "The year that santa came early".

Saturday 20 December 2014

Day 533

Day 533;

Wel even leaa happened to me today than I can can remember happened to me yesterday which is not a thing that I  can remember of yesterday so how could I remember less? Good question. My Answer is... ,,. It can't so I was just typing nonsense,

Now that that is all typed I have remembered something that I did either this morning or yesterday morning.

Which was?

I shaved off my double chin.

Wait a darn moment. you don't have a double chin, as you never have had a double chin.

Correct Red, it was just as my facial fur grows some of it is darker than other parts, so actually on my chin I had some properly dark stubble but then underneath my chin I had almost white hair which padded out my chin.

Now the following two YouTube video's are on the topic of feminism;

Ha 21 "I won't be interrogated about the size or shape of my actual body parts" really what a joke? I'm sorry but personal parts? What do you mean my private parts? Yeah sure they get attacked more than a females breasts, mainly in the terms of "you have no balls" or an alternative context if a female friend of yours is playing in an male dominated surroundings and if she is better than some male at the game the males friends will lay it into him by saying something like she just taken your balls from you. But then you've got banter  that males do with each other about the size of private parts and so on; so it is only naturally going to filter into the games. I like the DustyOldCrow and her inspired use of her boyfriends chest, which was just awesome.

Now I agree with Obama care just as I agree with the NHS but they have gone too far if they are willing to help the bloaters that are not willing to help themselves.

By the term bloaters I mean the people that sit down everyday gorging themselves with sweets and chocolate and if questioned about their weight they say some tripe about them being a proper size, and it's all the rest of us fault for being to small.

But back onto the topic of disappointment] as I didn't manage to get onto any of the Legend of Zelda games today, or I didn't manage to get any work done on my celebration of the winter solstice done today, either.

Friday 19 December 2014

Day 532

Day 532;

So on this day it was the day that I have numbered... just look up.

Positively similarly to a lot of days previously I have forgot what the majority of this day I spent doing,

But I can remember two things that I did today. As it was today that I played on Hyrule Warriors it's interesting as I can now play as Cia, Volga and Wizzro, but no progress on Skyward Sword or any of the actual Zelda games.

The second thing that I can remember doing was completing my first draft of an Email, which could give me a hand in figuring out who to vote for in the next general election.

Which is on the 7th of May 2015, just 5 months 3 2 weeks 6 days away.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Day 531

Day 531;

So today it was the day that has been mentioned above.

Yawn, what have you done today then hotshot?

Well I wouldn't go that far,

 In what respect? calling you hotshot... ok... I was being facetious,


Well what have you done today, or do I have to sit around here all night not getting any answers?

Oh sorry, well today I went to the gym, but today in the gym my heart rate was only measured on one piece of equipment which was the cross trainer which said seventy seven.

5.36 on the rowing machine and that was after I was told that I was twenty seconds behind schedule early on in the routine so I made up fourteen seconds in the last seven hundred meters of the row, pathetic; honestly pathetic.

How disgraceful of you, Savage, I bet you didn't even get a go on Skyward Sword today,

Oh yeah how right you are, but I did get around to start to make my fez-tive greetings card,

No, why can't you say christmas card?

I can say, as in type it, but I don't like to,


Because it deels like congratulating one minority (or majority) for the theft of many peoples culture and traditions within an attempt to unify people but it does in-turn backfire and it divides them. As even in Christian groups they have got divisions and they can't all decide on the correct translation to read of their holly book, the Muslims of this world have a lot easier to understand book arrangement, as it's one book which is the ravings of a lunatic from the pre modern era.  Contradictions  are plentiful and my favourite verse goes as follows.

As a friend told mw about about that passage it doesn't mean that they are going to strike from me every finger tip it'd just the apostates, as if that should be an better, plus if there was a God why didn't it show it's self to us all at birth then we could forget hit and then if we did, then good bye finger tips.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Day 530

Day 530;

Now today was my next day full of my solo trouping ever closer to my death,

of which I have no idea how it shall happen but at a guess i am guessing that I shall die alone as practically everyone does, cold and damp, due to my drooling problem within the least spectacular fashion, a mundane death for a mundane man, probably be of a disease like the cold, and the only thing someone would say would be. "I told him to eat his vitamins" so a grave stone/memorial placard would probably say "here lies (or scattered to the winds is) Savage, I would say rest in piece about now but I also know that there is no getting up from your rest, I really hope you rot in hell, if there is such a place, and I told you to take your vitamins- Red" but the word Red can and is supposed to be replaced by who ever is closest to me when I finally drop off of my perch.

 I really hate it when I see a photograph of a packet of crisps along with the comment "I open my crisps and it's only half a pack. What's the world coming to" I know that this might as probably is intended to be a joke but I can't help myself thinking, sarcastically, They are some serious first world problems you've got there never mind the many people in our country that have had to go bed tonight starving while others pig out on packs of crisps, chips, burgers and pizza's, eating way too much giving them making them overweight, when shouldn't all of the food be spread out evenly across the country therefore eliminating both of these problems? But I don't mean spread as in butter on bread, I meant it in more general terms like everyone gets served the same school lunch.. but not like that at the same time.

Bur roday I let myself down by not playing on any Zelda games.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Day 529

Day 529;

So welcome to my report on the fore-mentioned day, the day that equals (3+3-1*100)+(3-1*10)+(3*3*1)=529, using as manny 3's as I could think of, within this tired state.

Now I'm tired because I have gone to the athletics thing today and that includes a car journey to get to it, I hate car journeys as I always seem to get a head ache when I'm in one traveling. But reason why have decided to tell you people about this today as it's a kind of excuse...

No excesses.

I know red you get very touchy when ever an excuse is  brought up. I'm going to be liking your introduction to Yellow in her new outfit for the Winter Solstice special, Red.


What so have you finished making me, again?

Yes I believe that was one of the things that I was doing today as it's only ten/nine days until the actual day of the celebration of the Winter Solstice.

Monday 15 December 2014

Day 528

Day 528;

So it has been another uneventful day of my continued, waste of an existence.

One of which I have done nothing to get to completing my follow up for my Fez-tive season project, but I did play on some more Skyward Sword, such a pity it wasn't what I stated I should be doing last time,, as I'm sure I stated that I should be defeating the imprisoned in order to upgrade the shield.  But no I was off to the sandy region to away the dragon, by returning the time shift stone to it's space in front of the gorge; I think.

But what else did you do. today?

I cannot remmember.

You're really lame.

Yes I kind of know that, but I'm going  to tell you guys a secret.





So are you.

No way.

We're not.

Now we're so much cooler than you, for a start.

Hang on ac second there Red if you think about it actually we aren't.

What do you mean Green?

I was meaning that we all come out of his retarded mind, we have no bodies of our own, and then he is the one that is doing the typing.

So basically he just called his own mind retarded?

Basically yeah.

So tak you two, If I didn't know the two of you as well as I did I'd feel offended right about now. So you know about Night Mares (bad dreams) is a day mare a bad day dream?


Sunday 14 December 2014

Day 527

Day 527;

Now today was day 527 and today I have watched a football match, the team that I support lost, again- in the league that they're in.

The score was 1-4, but firstly I'd like t state that I thought American Football was another name for soccer, or as I probably should have written ir that I thought that Soccer was another name for American Football/Rugby for wimps; What don't look at me like that blue, it is just like Rugby but it is for wimps.


As in American football they wear all that additional padding,

But ain't it sensible to wear padding? Besides didn't you wear more padding than that when you used to play roller hockey?

Well there you go bringing up part of me that has  been dead for quite some time now
 my memory of body checking people into the walls of the room that is beneath a window of the gym where I train at, but within that sport you could actually do some proper harm to others even if you didn't mean to, as your hockey stick can catch someone and by the way I needed glasses back then just like now so I needed a helmet to protect my specs, also. But I played a bit of Rugby in school swell back then, my eyes weren't as bad as they are now for a start so I could have properly taken them ogg before going out, into the fray, as I probably would do now. Barrelling into people is fun enough without all of that padding.

But why did you rhink that American football and soccer were the same things?

As in Rugby football, to give it it's full name, you can run the ball over your oppositions team line to score or you have to kick (Sock/Boot) the ball over the posts to score a different type of goal, so that ifs why i used to think it was called soccer (Socker)

But now I'm getting onto the things that I haven't done or I haven't done enough on today, as Today I didn't make any impact on Skyward Sword but I attempted to make an impact on the mountain of work that I still have to do for the Fez-tive period of time that is coming up shortly. 

Saturday 13 December 2014

Day 526

Day 526;

So today I have gone back to my old ways of forgetting almost everything that I have done today by the time of me writing this blogpost.

But I can remember one of the things that I did today, and another of the shenanigans that I told myself to remember to in the morning of today but I forgot, which kind of leaves a gaping caesium in my consciousness.

the first part that I did was to play some more of Skyward Sword, I was focusing on catching some more bugs today, up in the Eldin Mountains, so tomorrow I would like to defeat the imprisoned thing then return to the Faron woods to catch a couple of birds for their feathers to upgrade my shield again, well that is what I am hoping to do tomorrow, 1. if I get onto the game 2. if I remember.

The second thing was my project for the celebration of the winter Solstice Youtube project. Which I forgot about you know the most excruciating thing is when I as sitting there with my PC in-front of me but it's not turned on , as I keep telling myself get on with some of with your work, I'm like "just another quick game then I'll be ready" then after about 5 more I repeat this process.

Friday 12 December 2014

Day 525

Day 525;

So todayI have become aware of an epic failure within my brains memory nodes, it was about my account of friend that has the same first name as the "friend" and I would like to apologise to her, so here goes; to Miss, I apologise for any and all offences, even though it wasn't intended to be offensive at all.

So I shall start myself off with something that I forgot about yesterday when I was typing about the gym, as yesterday on the cross trainer it was actually reading a heart rate but I'm thinking that it was broken, as after I had only been on it for no more than two minutes it was reading my heart rate at 150, but then later on in on the same machine it was saying that my heart rate was 64, and that was when I worrying. Strange, is this old body.m

But today I got to lay on some more of the Skyward Sword game.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Day 524

Day 524;

Now today was only a third decent as I got nowhere on my project or in my game file the best thing that I fif yoday was go to the gym, but I tied my feet up properly. un the shoes that I was wearing today so U could have no excuse for my lacklustre performance /on the rowing machine today.

Which was seriously lacking I think I only managed to get 1000m in just under 6 minutes this week at a time of something lie 5.48 give not take (probably) x many seconds, still too slow. But still I had fun.

But the I say a photograph of one of my school "friends" I'm unsure about the friend part while we were both at school, I have some faint recollection of her being in league with some of the girls that bullied me, the type of bulling that is on the phycological level none of that physically beating people or me up. But that was a death time ago, I've experienced that world end and this new begin since then  so I only have half memories of her then with somebody called AS I think not with the new Friend HB who is also a mutual friend of ours. But from what I can remember is that I preferred the physical type of being bullied, as it would be over quicker and I could defend myself better from that type of bulling, without jamming my fingers in my was and going "Na Na Ne Na, I can't hear you", acting about five years old.

Edit: Due to the circumstance which of my brain being made out of briefs, I have made a little bit of an arse out of myself, as I asked the friend about the event and I had got it wrong, I had the correct forename of the person but I muddled up the surname, so the person with the prettiest nude back that I have seen didn't participate in any of the before mentioned shenanigans.

But the picture was of her nude back without any straps on it and then underneath the picture some other friend stated =
Attention seeking boobies
So then I jumped in in no literal context what so ever, else wise that'd look very weird, and stated -
Did you know that you having "Attention seeking boobies" may actually be doing your health some good, in the long term, it supposedly stops them sagging. when you get older.
Then the friend that I'm typing about also commented -
Sweeet  ha ha
Now she could have said that about many things like the first point about her attention seeking boobies but I don't think else she'd have said it sooner than she did. So what about my comment could be described as sweet? Well it could have been my incorrect assertion that was that it supposedly stops them sagging which is incorrect not wearing a bra only reduces the speed of your breasts sagging, You can read an article (on this subject) by clicking here.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Day 523

Day 523;

So it has been day number 523,

Yes, we got that but what happened?

Well not much but my disappointment As I didn't get around to playing on Skyward Sword today yet again.


I was too bust creating some of my characters for the celebration of the years shortest day, YouTube thing. I made some progress at least on Yellow and Blue.

But none on either Green or myself?

Sorry, but I just have to get the two of them dressed up,

Why did you dress me up last time?

Well yes, I gave you those shorts,

Yes and that was it.

Yes I know. But you didn't complain at the time,

I know but what I have to state is that wasn't it a bit unequal how I was there with only my nether regions covered but yellow got her own swimming costume.

Ok, Red, what would you like a swimming costume as well?

No, that would cause too much hassle, why don't you just do the same for Yellow as me?

Ok, ok, just let me sleep on ir, I'll give you an answer in the morning.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Day 522

Day 522;

So last night/this morning I had a dream, the dream I can't actually remember by now as I predicted so I made a note of it for me to publicise my dream just about now, so lease enjoy reading my tale,

My dream that I thought was reality, well I had just finished having a dream which was a bit about how I mucked up in blender the other day, it was as I had selected all of the faces on the end of the neck instead of selecting the faces around the neck, before pressing W and then circle in order to make the neck a cylinder shape/a beginners mistake, as I am a beginner at the program. but then I thought that I had awoken from the fore-mentioned as I heard and thought I saw Mich saying something along the lines of wake up, which perplexed me as I thought that I was awake and I couldn't tell him that I was awake as I'm mute, in the speaking department. Now awhile I was having the experience of my awakening, I noticed that a small device that I put in my pocket had fallen out of my pocket, so I was scrambling around in my bed looking for it but by the end of this experience I realised that it was back in my pocket but I also realised that Mich had really come to awake me, so I'm guessing that I should really get from typing my dream to eating my breakfast: now.

So that whole thing there wasn't a dream?

Well it was a dream until I found the thing in my pocket, as I didn't do what some eggs do and scramble. in reality as that was part of the dream, but the thing about Mich calling me for breakfast actually happened in both my dream and reality, so which is the dream and which is reality, I don't know but I am taking this world to be the real world.

Hang on you mean the one that you have created me in. today?

Yes Yellow I mean that one, and I also mean the one that I didn't injure myself properly this week in the athletics thing, I did run unto a wall but I had no injuries too show for it,  joe comic would it be for me to get a black (bruised) eye to appear on my face for tomorrow morning, now, just as I crashed into the wall and I was "bragging" about coming out of an athletics thing uninjured.

But I syill didn't get around to playing on the Skyward Sword game again!

Monday 8 December 2014

Day 521

Day 521;

So today was a disappointment for almost exactly the same reasons as yesterday, which were no playtime on Skyward Sword, and a second here's my almost part as I got no work on my Fez-tive season project done today, (yesterday I got almost naught done on it).

But why didn't you today?

I didn't as after lunch I had to go with Mich to the indoors cycling world championships at the London velodrome, to watch Laura Trot win another Gold Medal, well that was it for the home nations medals tally from what I saw, but there was a Mr John somebody who was also on team GB who was doing the same event as Laura I think but he crashed out on a previous event so he was sixth coming into the event that I saw, which was the points race, and he ended up seventh as he couldn't stay on two wheels while he was going around the corner, then there was another GB track cycling athlete that shouldn't have made it into the final that she qualified for and as a result she came fifth in the final, but anyway the reason that I'm saying she shouldn't have qualified was as she finished fourth out of six in a race and to qualify for the gold medal race off you had to finish in the top three, but then the person that had beat her into third place got disqualified for doing something wrong, my thoughts is a British conspiracy. But that's my memories that go with watching that event; but just for fair play there was also a Dutch winner, gold I think in the male sprint, and there was a gold for the Columbian team that I can remember as I like the national anthem of Columbia. I know that many other awards were given out, but I can't remember what, or who, they were for.

But on the way home from London I traveled by train to a station that is in the city which is close to the town of which I live in, on the train ride I overheard a young lady mention the town/city of the football team that I support and then Mich informed me that the football team that I support won a Football Match, but it was a FA cup match Which means that they have got through to another round which they could play any team that is still in the competition or any team from the higher leagues, but either way r=the team that I support is almost definitely going to lose in the next round, as they aren't doing very well in the actual league that they are in, so they could keep on playing they're best football in the FA cup and they could do well in it this session. But if they do that some of the bigger clubs may notice some of the best players in the team and they may buy them, ah it's modern day slavery but it is acceptable. Therefore weakening the team, but anyway you can't play the same team that you play for a big match in the FA cup in the league, well actually you can but what I was meaning was that if you play your strongest team on a Sunday, then the next day you had another match and you played the exact same team couldn't your players start feeling sluggish and getting injured more due to the tiredness?

But I am aware that my person doesn't match up with my personality. As on last Monday Mr F said that I looked fifteen, so then I pointed him over to Mitch who corrected him, but in my mind I feel closer to ninety four which was the age that Mr S Big said I was.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Day 520

Day 520;

So today it was another disappointing day, but it was almost doubly disappointing today as I only got a couple of minutes worth of work on my Celebration of the winter solstice project.

So today I had a couple of JW's come and visit me, but i had forgotten my talking machine for me to ask them any questions that I have got about the bible as that is what they asked me for, but then they asked me to visit the web address which was on the sheet of paper that they had hand to me. It could have ben as I was still in my pyjamas at the time that they knocked on the door. As I hadn't even finished my breakfast cereal.

And just the forth piece of the Triforce is called the Triforce of Shadows apparently but is that Hylia's part as that part in skyward sword looks like but the way I see it is that there was originally four Goddesses/three Din Fyora and Nayru,  and x. but x could have been demise or some other sinister creation. not Hylia who's piece of the Triforce looks a looks a lot like the shadow that goes in the place in the centre of the Trifotce, 

Saturday 6 December 2014

Day 519

Day 519;

So today was another day which was uneventful, I didn't even get lost in Hyrule today,

Tut tut,

As I was working on the little winter solstice thingamajig today.

Oh,,, ok I guess I can let you off, for that thing.

But today I did have a brain wave.

Oh dear.

It was about Hyrule though, it was as while I was thinking about my favourite Legend of Zelda game, more to the point as of why it is my favourite. It's my favourite as it's the darkest game  of the series to date, as there is so much death in it, you run around with death on your person for the whole game in the shape of the masks that you hold, and your turned into the dead Deku scrub at the beginning, As you have to heal the dead Gorons ghost to get the Goron mask and the same with the dying Zora to get the Zora's mask, there is only one mask that you don't have to heal the sprit of a thing before it is created, as that is the fierce deity mask, of which you get in exchange for all of the other masks that you have collected throughout the game before the final battle, with the Majora. but it's a dead God you put on when you put on that mask to become the fierce deity, to defeat the Majora's Mask, as the god is dead just as the forth Goddess Hylia is before you start Skyward Sword, so she reincarnated herself as Zelda. 

Friday 5 December 2014

Day 518

Day 518;

So today I have realised that I probably won't have to work too hard to get the four parts of the song, as in Hyrule, that is.

As I got the third piece first and it was relatively easy, as I just had to avoid the lights until I retrieved the "true" master sword and then I could just carve up the enemies with the sword instead of having to tip toe around the Eldin region, to retrieve all of my gear, that the pig like creatures stole off of me as they locked me up as the spirt? Dragon thingy was in a bit of a tiff.

I prefer to call it the celebration of the winter solstice, in homage to the earlier pagan traditions.

So that reminds me I still have to get my Fez-tive season thing together and up.

No, you don't have to.

Fine Blue, I'd like to.

That was much better then, but In actual fact I'd feel a whole lot better if you decided to scrap the whole thing now.

Why Blue, don't you want the audience to see your beautifully blue face?

Err no I't's not beautiful.

Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?

Which means what, I have beautiful eyes, or something like that?

 No silly it means your beautiful if the person looking upon you thinks that way.

So from what your saying that even the most hideous person, *cough* Savage *cough*, could be classed as beautiful.

Basically yeah, but we are going to have to work on what goes on up in here (in his head) before we enter him in any beauty pageants.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Day 517

Day 517;

Today was the fifth hundredth and seventeenth day of my blogged life.

And on it I went to the gym, played some of the amazing game, which is called Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, today I managed to defeat the parasite that was feeding off of the great sky spirit, now it is just three more of the spirits that I have got to save and learn their parts of the song before going back to have a conversation with the great sky spirit to learn the forth piece of the song, before going back into the past to defeat the Demon Lord Girahim and then his master Greater (I don't know) Demon Lord Demise. Then I watched the film Maleficent which in all honesty was only half bad, or should I have made that a positive statement as the previous statement actually also means only half good.

So the gym today I disappointed myself on the rowing machine as I got a really slow time today over the distance of one thousand meters, it was completed in over six minutes...

Six minutes how slow, I could do better in my sleep.

Hold it Red you haven't heard his reason why he was so slow yet.

What does it matter he was still slow, so why are you asking him for excuses, Yellow?

Well green, I wasn't, I was asking him for a reason.

Ok then fine an excuse.


Well you said a (meaning one) reason and Green said originally excuses (meaning more than one), so Green was clarifying it for you.

Oh, ok I understand you now, but still no.

 No what?

You must really keep u with the conversation Blue, I was meaning that green was still incorrect within his assumptions of what I was asking.

Ok... can we move on now?


Ok thank you Blue, I was waiting for a moment to appear so I could stick my type in there.

So the song that has been took down in four parts but surly Fi is going to remember it from back in her memory each time just after I defeat each one one the three boss battles at the ends of the next three trialsm so If I (or Link) was any good at hacking we could just hack into Fi's memory drive and play it that way, but I am no hacker and neither is Link, that one time was back on my GameCube version of Majora's Mask, and anyway what an epic fail as I had three hearts to kill the Majora.

So onto the final piece that I mentioned up above, the Maleficent thingamajig which was the evil witch/fairy falling in love with the sleeping beauty which wasn't surprising seeing as how the fairy godparents of the child made sure that everyone that comes into contact with the child would then fall into love with her, which makes the final words of the Maleficent curse particularly poignant, which were that "only true loves kiss can break her out of her sleep" which depends on how you define true love as if you defined it in a way that would equal that the people doing the kissing truly believe that they love her, then anyone could kiss her to get her to wake. But if they meant without the spell having effect on anyone that kisses her then she should probably still be sleeping as is the curse of the lovely dovey spell.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Day 516

Day 516;

So today it has been that day.

Yes it has been that day that I got Allergy to watch the rest of the Spiderman trilogy, the one that wasn't Amazing.

But there was two things that I watched first they were from channel 4, but although I got the above mentioned things done today I didn't manage to play any Skyward Sword today, sorry Zelda you're going to have to stay imprisoned in the past for at least one more day, But she is trapped there by her own hand to stop Demise escaping.

Zelda from SS is the Goddess Hylia reincarnated demise curses the decedents of the three off the Hylians that were there at the time to fight for eternity, apparently, but I understand that Groose is Gannondorfs something like his great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather and I've got no idea of who he would have procreated with, to have the children; But Link and Zelda, I knew that got on great as friends and all of that Jazz but I'm thinking that is all that's between them, as how else could a member of the royal blood line find him and his grandfather working at a smiths, that is not within the city limits of Hyrule City[ as in Minish Cap?

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Day 515

Day 515;

Ok so today, was this day that was numbered 515.

So what have you done on this day, Savage?

Now Yellow today I went to the athletics thing again, which was fun with my attempts to go quicker, But I failed at it this week.

Ha fallire, but it wasn't all that you failed at today, now was it.

No it wasn't, I also failed in Hyrule, today.

Now I can remember that, it was when you had to flu into the eyeballs n the wind spirits back/underbelly, and then you've got to deflect the ball go mucous that come from the parasites mouth back at the beast, then you have to go harry carry on it's eye,

That's correct, now guess which part I failed on?

I'm guessing all three.

Well I'm guessing the first one as he is terrible at flying, so terrible in fact he couldn't get onto parts two and three.

Well green you're correct.

Aw why didn't I get my say?

Sorry Blue. I wasn't aware that you had anything new to contribute.

Well I didn't but it'd still be nice to to be asked,

Ok, well I don't really know what I should be typing about now as I've got two things on my mind that I have just watched. well the first is about Atlantis the second series. It was in the first episode when I saw the reference to the Argus boat and then I remembered that their was a myth that was called Jason and the Argonauts which made sense as the TV program stared a main character called Jason, they, and a few of the characters names were correct the myth other than that nothing I could notices true to the original story (at least not from what I have watched). But the other thing that I have watched was called "the day after tomorrow:into infinity" which wad fascinating despite being severely floored, now I state that as they always has the earths level of gravity when and wherever they were in space

Monday 1 December 2014

Day 514

Day 514;

So it was the next day of my life.

But what have you done.

Well it's a good question and I managed to equal my best score in the destruction of targets by spin attacking from aboard my loftwing.

So your still stuck?

Well heres the thing I'm not, as I had some help to complete it today.

So let me get this strength there was little Savage crying about being stuck and then you just found someone to complete it for you, my bet is Allergy.

Ow Red your being a bit harsh there I didn't catch him crying,

Ok Yellow.

But didn't Emu Mich and Cman also have a couple of goes each?

Yes they did, Blue. But I think it was only Mich. that had two (a couple) of goes both Emu and Cman had more than two goes Emu I think managed to get a high score of one and Cman managed to get a more respectable maximum score of five.

Hang on a second what was Mich's high score?

Well that is a question, but I have forgot the answer to. I think it may have been three. Then Allergy had finally finished her first essay for her University course, it's still in nursing, she is taking after her Irish Nun of a GM; who was also a nurse. But Allergy was having her first turn and she equalled my record then on her third attempt she said "This will be my last attempt for today" then she had that attempt it was a failure she repeated it once, for a fourth turn, then it was completed after six more attempts. Congratulations Allergy, you have my thanks.

Now it's time to defeat the great sky spirits parasite, and I'm up to 16 heart containers at the moment. Just four more to go.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Day 513

D'ay 513;

So it has been day 513 already and today I have attempted to fly aboard my (well it's really Link's) Loft wing to hopefully get the 10 targets busted on the Skyward Sword game.

My every attempt at this so far has failed so I have ben attempting other quests aside from the main quest that frustrated me and I have completed the quest that had the Mogma in the sky as an outcome, up by the pumpkin hut to be more exact, which before I started that quest I first had to break a chandelier getting one piece of heart as an outcome then I had to fly on my lofting to the skyloft which was good practise, especially as I only had 3 (or was it 5?) minutes to get a bottle of soup to the sparing hall which I accomplished first time, then I had to go back to pumpkin of which was more practise then I had to move some pumpkins to the shed which I made more difficult for myself by misunderstanding what she said, finally for this part of this side quest it was to use the Harp to match up with the hand signals of a person watching which I found difficult until I stopped looking and played by ear; which worked first time; and I got my second piece of heart From the Pumpkin. Then it was the Mogma in Skyloft side quest.

Bur now I shall go into a bit on theories about Htrule, and tonights one is about the Origins of the Interlopers. I know that I should type more about this topic but in slightly under 3 hours. from me writing this; this post will go live/would have gone live, tenses. 

Saturday 29 November 2014

Day 512

Day 512;

Sol today was the five hundredth and twelfth day on my records, and I just wanted to clear some stuff up about yesterday.

As I did play in Hyrule, on Skyward Sword to be more exact again, yesterday. But I failed to defeat Demon Lord Ghirahim, so I had nothing ti stop my tirade about the Islamic take over of the west under the guise of political correctness, and you better not it might offend them, even if it insults our collective sensibilities, pretty much like battered wife syndrome; where we, the people that live in the west, are the wife and the people from the east... no not the whole of the east just them that call themselves Muslims, even those that live in the west, and have only took holidays to the east, as the vast majority of people from the west have been bending over backwards to push this false notion of islamophobia and an equally fallacious claim that everyone that doesn't fit into their very narrow lens of politically correctness that automatically makes them a racist (which by saying that actually makes the person that says it's racist racist but hey that's just mu personal opinion, who listens to me, no one).

So today on Skyward Sword I got a really long time on it today and I defeated Demon Lord Girahim, yes I defeated him this time, at attempt number two I defeated Lord Girahim myself. By attempt number two I mean that in the game there is three separate times to defeat him, at least as Girahim, he does transform (transfigure) into the demon kings sword later n in the game but that is after you have already taken him out in the penultimate boss battle. so I was incorrect if/when I stated that it was the penultimate boss battle, But I got my Allergy to complete the next boss bate for me, it was against the Imprisoned, which is really demise that I am going to venture back into the past as soon as I have learnt the special loft wing attack thing and I have defeated the parasite that is attacking the sky flying whale dragon thing then I still need to defeat the 3 or 4 bosses then it's going to be Girahim for the 3rd and final time then is will finally be Demise.

Friday 28 November 2014

Day 511

Day 511;

S this morning I told Allergy about my idea, for a blog for her; but surprisingly she said that she actually thought that it was a good idea.

And that was after her telling you that she couldn't have a blog as her life isn't interesting enough, she doesn't have any special talent that she will be publishing to the wider world and/or she doesn't feel that she is controversial enough, but the last one was directed at you; Savage.

Ok I reject that last point about me being controversial, I just have strong opinions on subjects that some others shy away from, like Islam; which Sir Winston Churchill

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! 
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia
in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many
countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods
of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the 
Prophet rule or live.  A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and 
refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity.  The fact that in Mohammedan 
law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as
a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the
faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.  

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion 
paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.  No stronger retrograde
force exists in the world.  Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant 
and proselytizing faith.  It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising 
fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the 
strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled, 
the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”  

Now that quote can be found on all about, just click the link to get to the page. What you may wonder could that one man from backwards old Blighty possibly know about the Islamic faith? As to answer that question I will go back onto the webpage which I mentioned earlier and if you look at the after(Post) notes down the bottom of the page

(1)  Sir Winston, as an officer of the British Army, served in the Sudan and in the Crimean War; in both instances against the Muslims.  These experiences gave him ample opportunity to observe the structure of Islamic society.  
(2)  Churchill’s quotes were taken from the volume: Sir Winston Churchill; “The River War”, first edition, Volume II, pages 248-250, published by Longmans, Green & Company, 1899.  
(3)  If Sir Winston were alive today, it is doubtful that a person in Great Britain criticizing Islam publicly could be arrested, and then fined or jailed, and even more doubtful that any  Muslims would be sitting in the English Parliament! 

Even Rafiq who is a Muslim and the only Muslim member of the seeming to be Controversial political party the English Defence League, he's Scottish, was finned for waving a Union Flag at a group of Asian men, which isn't an offence from my basic grasp of the law, you can read about it here. Mr Weston who is a politician that was arrested by the British police for stating the above quote in public, read about it by clicking this link.

I should really start my critical look at the Qur'an up.

No you shouldn't

Why not Blue?

You're more likely to get us al killed that way, and it will be racist.

No it's not racist you are the only one that is being slightly racist by stating that.


You are being racist by stating that you are implying that they are a different race than us, which they aren't.  They are the same race as us Humans. But they're differences from us is generally all about the people mentally. I'm not meaning this to be mean/evil I only meant it as in what they believe just as you reader is mentally different to me and every other person that you meet , no two minds are exactly the sam, except maybe twins' but then but how long until they start functioning in slightly different ways?

Thursday 27 November 2014

Day 510

Day 510;

I'm sorry if this is later than expected as I am tired now, when I am typing this, as I am sorry to 100% of my page viewers/readers if I don't make sense to any of you.  

As I write these blogposts at night so I can write down a retrospective view on what I have done, as long as I can remember, that is so that one day in the future I can look back at all of these consecutive days about what I have forgot.

So are you going to get on with it' or not?

Ok sorry, green, I have been to the gym and I was told that today my heart rate was on the upper side of where it should be. on the exercise bike today, but I was confused as I had my gloves on for that little section of my workout and on the cross trainerI'm also wearing my gloves and it's saying HR, on the screen where my heart rate is supposed to be,

But today in Hyrule I managed to get onto the next boss battle, which I think is the penultimate boss battle of the game. As it is demon lord Ghirahim, again, and his gloves are off for this bout.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Day 509

Day 509;

So it's the day that I have decided to call day 509, as it is the 509th day since I stared this blog project.

But if you've been looking at (and/or reading) this blog for longer than 509 days you should know that I'm positively enthralled by politics. You could have  read my post about the AV system that they were trying to get past a while back, and I don't think I saw the point in it which may have been because of the new Proportional

representation that they were attempting to get passed at the same time, of which I still don't properly understand, by PR you could find yourself in a constituency where only a small percentage of the votes actually went to you? As if PR had been working for the last election didn't the news people say that UKIPpers would already have some seats or would you have multiple MP's in some of the constituencies which could be equal to double the parliamentary scandal.

As stated above I am enthralled by the parliamentary process that's why I got very excited by the new developments within the British politics, the rise of UKIP. I was thinking that I may have to sit for election before a new thing in politics would come around, but I was wrong. How would a mute, like me, get along in politics?

But now on with some serious stuff, I'm moving on Zelda and my adventures through the land of Hyrule, as I acquired myself some new Mogma Mits and the Dungeon Map of at that point I had to blow up the wall and leave the game at that for some reason called Macaroni Cheese and Turkey drummers, I like spiking those spiky things with the sword as they transfer the water from inside of them onto the sword which you have to then flick your arm/wrist to release the water ball onto the tongues of the frogs. which had me puzzled for approximately one minute, I know I'm slow.

Also Nayru is the Goddess of Time. within Hyrule at least. I state this as a fact as it is obvious if nothing else it says it almost in the creation story of Hyrule below; 1:00 minute of the way through it says "Nayru" then "Poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world" the spirit of law means time and a lot of other things but she couldn't be meaning the feeling of right and worn as that is a animal thing and the animals haven't been created yet and then it goes onto Farore who produced all lifeforms to uphold the laws that had just been set down. But more proof of this could be the fact that the Ocarina of time is blue which is Nayru's colour. But l will not be having any of you saying that it's coincidental by stating that in Oracle of Ages  who is the Oracle (Priest/Priestess) of Ages (time) none other than an incarnation of Nayru,

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Day 508

Day 508;

So today I was remembering some of the things that I said that I'd like to do... and then I forgot what I was about to state after I put that down hopefully I'll remember for tomorrows blog entry.

But today was fun despite not playing on Skyward Sword so I'm going to have to play it really quite well tomorrow to make up for my lack in game time as of late.

But you have had that athletics thing today.

Don't be kind to him , by offering him excuses.

It's ok Red I take full responsibility of the lack of action today. As if I wasn't mistaken you, Red, even stood there and told me to of and play some during the day. But I kept finding excuses not to.


Oh hello Green, It's been a while, just like my excuse I'lll play on it after Lunch, then lunch comes and goes past so it mudt be time for me to play the game, right?

Left... no wrong?

You got there eventually. as I could have just sat down (stood up) and played it then, but no I didn't I decided to going off upstairs to check if I had my track suit bottom and a t-shirt for going out  to the athletics thing, bt that was after I had spent approximately too much time on eating my lunch.

But also today I have gone back over two of my previous days today and I have corrected them . They were days that I have referenced at the start of this post, and I was shocked by how bad my English was late at night.

Monday 24 November 2014

Day 507

Day 507;

But this day was a disappointment on one hand but it wasn't on the other two hands,

What? How do you have three hands now?

No I still only have two hands. Unless you count my feet in a list but then I'd have 4 hands, and I do use my feet as my hands if there's something on the floor and I'm too lazy to crouch down to pick it up, which is the majority of the time.I was thinking more of the fact that I can take about 2 positives for every negative about today.

Such as?

The negative is that as we were watching the F1 motor race today I didn't get to go on Skyward Sword (I know that the race wasn't all day but after it had finished I couldn't use the television as Allergy and Mich had a lot of television to watch about the race) now two good as I have been watching some Zelda related stuff on the tube of you I have been thinking about the three Zelda CD-i games when the first two of the releases acted as Non-cannon versions of Zelda III and Zelda IV, which would be the games that come directly after Zelda I and Zelda II; Adventure of Link,

The third was called Zelda's Adventure but I haven't looked into that one, as much, yet. But I have been thinking that I probably could create some better unofficial fan made versions of the games, in 3D. and I have dubbed them;

The Epic of Zelda: Zelda III- The Faces of Evil
The Epic of Zelda: Zelda IV- The Wand of Gamelon

So for my new epic (I hope in more than just name) mini unofficial non-cannon series of games if I get around to creating the games I am first going to get rid of the terrible voice acting, and I would like to make the feel more like an actual Zelda game and then thirdly I am going to mash the stories up a bit e.g. in Link: The Faces of Evil, Link is already known to the people and he was employed as a personal guard for Zelda and Link is feeling bored and useless with no adventure to go on. The ingrate, I dislike So I'd mash it together with some of his other occupations from past games, for example a ranch hand, Twilight Princess,

Anoyjer thing that happened today was that Hammy finished first within the final F1 grand prix, to make him a double world champion,

That's good isn't it?

Yes, as is Rosburger's willingness to cary on in the race even as his car had got an electrical malfunction, which was very but it was the electrical malfunction as part of his car which was the letdown, as we were all waiting to see a showdown bettween the Mercedes drivers for the Championship, after Rosburger got a bad start so Hammy was put up into fist for the first corner, then Rosburger managed to come back on him after a little while i'm thinking it was just after Rosburger set the fastest lap suddenly his cars ERS packed in but Rosburger kept himself in the race so he finished in 14th place by the end of the race, after being asked to retire from the race he said politely that he'd like to finish the race. So I'd like to say that is an action worthy of a hats off. in my book, if I was wearing a hat and if I had a book.

Sunday 23 November 2014

A Bible study of a Thomas; Genesis 7: part 1 (1-7)

New International Version (NIV)
7 The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. 
Righteous is a word that means good and stuff like that but what does it actually mean, I ask the dictionary the dictionary tells me that it means “Morally right or justifiable; virtuous.” in this context, him and his whole family have to go into the ark, so that should mean the whole human race so far as his direct line of decent go back to Adam /the first man, and I know that god added some of his personal sons into the mix to have sexual intercourse with some of Adam’s offspring. Preferably with the daughters of man but how can you be certain?

2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 
But what is a clean animal? A clean animal is an animal that are ceremonially pure and fit for food, according to the Jewish encyclopaedia. So that is 7 pairs of the “clean” animals, so that is 14 of each of the clean animals what species of animal are classed as clean? According to this website Deuteronomy 14:4-5 lists 10 let’s see.

These are the animals you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat, the deer, the gazelle, the roe deer, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope and the mountain sheep.[a]
 Ox, can’t say I have ever eaten any, as for sheep I think I have, goat is no (three so far), the deer, the gazelle and the roe deer, aren’t they all very similar but I haven’t eaten any of them (three more six so far), the wild goat and the difference from the ordinary goat is? The fact that it hasn’t been domesticated beforehand so we still only have six clean animals the ibex isn’t that just a goat? It is basically but it has longer horns (I’ll give them that animal seven) the antelope now isn’t this just another variation of a deer (but I’ll give them that one so eight) The mountain sheep is basically a sheep that has horns so it looks like a goat, so anyway that is ten separate “clean” animals but I could only see eight being very generous but realistically it is only two base animals and they were the goat and the deer and you could probably drag each of the ten “clean” animals evolutionary roots to converge on either one of those two animals evolutionary chains thanks to natural selection and a good deal selective breeding. But I am aware that the theory of evolution isn’t directly included within this book and I am no expert on it so I shall leave it at this, out of the ten animals multiplied by 2, to get to 10 pairs, equals 20 and then multiply 20 by 7 that makes 140 animals, but what about elephants they are possibly the cleanest animals by biblical standards as they were using the shower hose before it had been invented by humans.

The unclean animals are on the pages of Leviticus 11:4-19 and Deuteronomy 14:7-18.
The camel, though it chews the cud, does not have a divided hoof; it is ceremonially unclean for you.The hyrax, though it chews the cud, does not have a divided hoof; it is unclean for you. The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a divided hoof; it is unclean for you. And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.

In Leviticus 11:4-8 there is so far 4 unclean animals so far but to be honest I disapprove of this accusation pigs are unclean and you must not eat their meat which means no sausages or pork but that’s the tastiest meat products. From Leviticus 11:9-19 all of the animals are creatures in the water, of which I’m guessing would just swim but that is ignoring the fact that the rain is going to mix the salt water of the sea and the fresh water of the rivers making the water undrinkable for almost every type of almost every type of animal including humans, and then we get to birds, of which I shall get to later on in this post.
However, of those that chew the cud or that have a divided hoof you may not eat the camel, the rabbit or the hyrax. Although they chew the cud, they do not have a divided hoof; they are ceremonially unclean for you. The pig is also unclean; although it has a divided hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.
Camel, rabbit, hyrax and pig the same 4 as before so that only includes 8 animals. Its funny how none of animals mentioned aren’t any of the exotic animals, like lions or tigers, or any of the coolest animals, like polar bears or penguins. So far in total only 148 animals on the ark. Nor is the T-Rex, Triceratops, Velociraptor, Baryonyx, Pterodactyl, Apatosaurus, Pterodactylus, Pterosaur or even the Hadrosaurs to name just a few.

148 animals on a boat of 155.4m by 25.9 which equals 4024.86m2, that ‘d be a big rectangular boat and it’s over 3 floors and I was thinking that the 3 floors didn’t include the main deck now that would have been an engineering master piece for its time especially seeing as it had a flat base, that is the only way to fit 3 levels in to a boat which is only 15.54m high without losing the bottom one and making the top deck an inhabitable area for the animals other than the human animals.

and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.
Seven pairs of birds now so it’s time to look at this website for the birds and that website directed me to two bible passages, Leviticus 11:13-19 and Deuteronomy 14:9-18, so now it seems like I am checking the information on those pages,

13 “‘These are the birds you are to regard as unclean and not eat because they are unclean: the eagle,[a] the vulture, the black vulture, 14 the red kite, any kind of black kite, 15 any kind of raven,16 the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, 17 the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, 18 the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, 19 the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat.
From Leviticus it doesn’t give a definite number as it has any kind of black kite, any kind of raven and any kind of hawk I know I could research the three terms to get a definite more number, actually I may do that but if I kept each of those type of bird as 1animal that should give me 20 types of unclean bird. But there is another thing glaringly wrong with the with the examples it is the fact that bats aren’t birds they’re actually more like flying rats than pigeons, by that I mean they’re small mammals. Like rats, but they fly.

11 You may eat any clean bird. 12 But these you may not eat: the eagle, the vulture, the black vulture,13 the red kite, the black kite, any kind of falcon, 14 any kind of raven, 15 the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, 16 the little owl, the great owl, the white owl, 17 the desert owl, the osprey, the cormorant, 18 the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat.
The above text is from Deuteronomy 14:11-18 the first difference to the creatures that are listed is that on this text it only has “the black kite and not any kind of black kite and then after wards it adds a new type of birds as it says “any kind of falcon” and again for god’s sake. I think that it is appropriate to type that now, as a bat isn’t a bird, So that makes 21 unclean birds/42 into the arc.
Now to the Clean birds of the bible I have gotten these from the same little website as the above website, the one about birds from the bible but I have taken all the birds

5 And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.
And the lord was pleased? Just guessing, and no god wasn’t pleased; he’s too vain to say that he was pleased at the seemingly impossible task to complete by one man at the times that this chapter is set.

6 Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters came on th earth. 
Now hang on another second didn’t his lordship god say that everyone should die at 120 within the wickedness of the world just a short time ago?

7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood. 
Now should we count up the people that are going to be on the ark, so there is Noah, his wife, Noah’s three sons and they’re wives, now we don’t know how many of them there is. If Noah was a real person he should worried by now about his grandchildren as they are going to have to have sexual intercourse with they’re cousins to make the human race as it is today, within every colour, now you must be talking about evolution at relatively light speed to make the human species as diverse as it is today. Unless you have a belief in the X-men and the facet that they are among us as we speak, in more than just the comic books and every spin off series since; which obviously isn't a fact at least not to my knowledge.