Wednesday 26 November 2014

Day 509

Day 509;

So it's the day that I have decided to call day 509, as it is the 509th day since I stared this blog project.

But if you've been looking at (and/or reading) this blog for longer than 509 days you should know that I'm positively enthralled by politics. You could have  read my post about the AV system that they were trying to get past a while back, and I don't think I saw the point in it which may have been because of the new Proportional

representation that they were attempting to get passed at the same time, of which I still don't properly understand, by PR you could find yourself in a constituency where only a small percentage of the votes actually went to you? As if PR had been working for the last election didn't the news people say that UKIPpers would already have some seats or would you have multiple MP's in some of the constituencies which could be equal to double the parliamentary scandal.

As stated above I am enthralled by the parliamentary process that's why I got very excited by the new developments within the British politics, the rise of UKIP. I was thinking that I may have to sit for election before a new thing in politics would come around, but I was wrong. How would a mute, like me, get along in politics?

But now on with some serious stuff, I'm moving on Zelda and my adventures through the land of Hyrule, as I acquired myself some new Mogma Mits and the Dungeon Map of at that point I had to blow up the wall and leave the game at that for some reason called Macaroni Cheese and Turkey drummers, I like spiking those spiky things with the sword as they transfer the water from inside of them onto the sword which you have to then flick your arm/wrist to release the water ball onto the tongues of the frogs. which had me puzzled for approximately one minute, I know I'm slow.

Also Nayru is the Goddess of Time. within Hyrule at least. I state this as a fact as it is obvious if nothing else it says it almost in the creation story of Hyrule below; 1:00 minute of the way through it says "Nayru" then "Poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world" the spirit of law means time and a lot of other things but she couldn't be meaning the feeling of right and worn as that is a animal thing and the animals haven't been created yet and then it goes onto Farore who produced all lifeforms to uphold the laws that had just been set down. But more proof of this could be the fact that the Ocarina of time is blue which is Nayru's colour. But l will not be having any of you saying that it's coincidental by stating that in Oracle of Ages  who is the Oracle (Priest/Priestess) of Ages (time) none other than an incarnation of Nayru,

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