Thursday 13 November 2014

Day 496

Day 496;

Now today was the 496th day in my since I decided to start this blog project,

Today I went to the Gym which was fun as I got to have a little run, on a cross trainer for fifteen minutes, I prefer a cross trainer to the actual running machines as you physically control the speed. so you don't have to jog at the speed set by the machine and there are places to put your arms on the cross trainer to assist in the speed that your travelling at, I got 20+ at difficulty 5.

Quran chapter 4 verse 89

Or translated
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah . But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.

Why the sudden interest in Islam?

Only as I saw a video on the net which stated that Islam would take over the world in 50 years, so I just wanted to make my opposition known about now, for no one to read but me, myself and I, by pointing out some the flaws in Islam now.

What flaw have you pointed out? 

It was my query about the faith of Islam

But it goes like this;

I know it's unlikely but if you had a daughter and I had a son, and they met at school what would happen if they wanted to get married, that is if you hadn't already promised her to one of your other friends or their sons, would you let them, and if you did and if doing so your daughter left Islam would you call for her execution?

Well it isn't really a flaw it is more of a dilemma as it's clear from the Qur'an that if she left Islam the penalty is death, so could you murder your daughter, I know that you mat not be the executioner but you may as well be, you brought her into this world with that crazy ideology around her neck.

But onto stuff about the Legend of Zelda, and if I did play on it today it was in the morning so I've forgot about it by now. but I have thought about it a lot today as I was watching Anita Fem Freak's YouTube project about Tropes vs Women in video games, it's highly object able but any way I'm exposing myself to new idea's.

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