Thursday 6 November 2014

Day 489

Day 489;

Today I went to London to get myself prodded with needles.

Well this morning I was tiered. Which didn't help with me getting my injections, as if you have read that blogpost about yawning and crying, it really gets to me, it does. It could have ruined my injections into my eye lids,especially my right eyelid as when the doctor that does it was pushing the needel point into my eyelid my bleeding right eye started watering the needle, which didn't happen when she was oppressing on my left eyelid, which was bleeping irritating.

But Mich is such a whip as when the above was happing to me he covered his eyes not to see, also the doc was asked me why I had been crying before I went it to the room; it was the tiredness I tell you, and then when I was getting bored by the needle gently caressing my eyelid, in a sticking in the way of sticking into my eyelid to pour out a liquidised form of a substance which has been called rat poison in years gone by.

I brought my 3DS with me today also, I got a lot, well 10 street passes from walking around London but I even managed to acquire one Dark Link from a different person.which I have dispatched easily enough on the game Legend of Zelda; a Link Between Worlds, so he/she/it probably managed to beat me up in similar ease.

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