Sunday 2 November 2014

Day 485

Day 485;

So it has been the day numbered 485, but today has been disappointing and fascinating at different times.

Disappointing as the Football team that I support lost another game, today, but it was fascinating as in Doctor Who *Spoiler Alert*The Master is back as The Mistress this time*Spoiler Over* but the question is how, or when is she from, as we already know than she died many times within the doctors time line or perhaps she's still dead and it's that (Ok so I'm going to attempt to keep the following spoiler free as much as I can, but here's the giant heads up for all of you people that want to watch the episode before you read any further on into this post there is going to be plenty of potential spoilers so before you read this please just watch the episode) Time Lord artefact that's bring her back into existence, but the thing about Danny Pink choosing his own obliteration, total destruction to allow his body to become one of those Cyber contraptions *I think I've got away with it without spoiling the plot* but Danny Pink cannot die or have his conscience rubbed out from existence as he has still future with Clara... Pink? to live and for them to create the offspring that is still to take humanity to the stairs, according to that other bit of Clara's timeline surfing that they did in one her earlier episodes with this Doctor and I know that time can be rewritten but that time cannot I'm sure of it as it seemed to be a fixed point, but I might be wrong about that as the doctor has seemed to change the little details like the name of the person but the same action will still happen just the people mentioned will change.

But today in Zelda, not literally as that would be weird in a biological way, I have... not literally got inside of Zelda or any woman for a matter of fact i have been born/bee pushed out of a woman, who was my mother but that is probably the closest I have ever been to a woman. but that is enough about me in a literal sense. Now onto the topic of the Legend of Zelda; Four Swords of which I have been playing today, solo still, I have completed the sea of trees, at least I think that is the name of the level that I have completed.

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