Saturday 8 November 2014

Dat 491

Day 491;

Today has been the day that I have numbered number 491.

So today I thought about the insane rambling on an Emu, As I remembered what she had sad about the Cameroon at the start of his period in power, as in she hated him and all he stood for, The U-tuern has been quite spectacular on him, but now for the next parliament she has moved to a different constituency which is also has a strong majority of Conservative voters but also where she has moved to is around the area that the UKIPpers leader will be sitting for office, so I thought that maybe she'll be voting conservative in the next election to stop UKIP from getting into power. But then a brain wave struck me if Emu and her quite considerable number of friends that are all living in the same constituency all vote for the Lab Rats then they may be able to get a majority in a predominantly Conservative area as the votes for Conservatives could be getting eaten away from the by the UKIPpers.

But that is just a political theory, nothing scientific.

Ok thank you Blue. If all is finished I will be getting onto the topic of what I have been gaming on today?

Yes, don't worry I've finished.

Good, and today I have been playing some more of Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, and it's going pretty swimmingly "Cue Laughter" *Silence* my head banging on the desk reverberates around the silence of existence. Didn't you get my joke I picked up the swimming flippers in a day before this day so i was going swimming,

But ain't you forgetting one thing?

Oh yes Star Wars episode VII is called "the force awakens".

No not that, the thing about this Sunday and about how Savage it is going to be.

Oh yes, I shall leave it until Sunday to state that, as I do not want to cause to much despair.

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