Wednesday 12 November 2014

Day 495

Day 495;

So I've almost reached half way, until I reach 1000 and the cross platform kind of thing that I'm planning to do, which is only if my brain doesn't keep getting sidetracked.

But I have recently realised that I should create a video for the coming Fez-tive session and then I should create the next 5 episodes of the Sunday Savage to be released one a week on the first five Sundays following the new year.

So today was the eleventh day of the eleventh month in this year, the one hundredth year since the start of the Great War, the war to end al wars as it was known at the time, but we (the human race collectively still haven't learnt our lesson) Human naming conventions for conflicts haven't really changed, much from the war to end all wars to the war on terror (the act of terrorism on terrorism).

If i didn't know better I'd think you'd have lost faith in humanity.

Oh what faith?

The faith that he never had.

No he has had some faith in humanly, a long time ago.

But swiftly moving on I'm thinking that I was incorrect on my statement that I thought the poppies were staying in the dry mote a bit longer but as today the  was the eleventh of the eleventh at eleven O'clock the final one of the poppies was put in and the whole of Britain was silent, I think, well I was at least and so was every body with me. at the time for two minutes.

In Hyrule today I haven't done much I just progressed a little bit thought the temple of droplets (I think that's it's name at least).

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