Saturday 15 November 2014

Day 498

Day 498;

So it's been the day before, the day before my half way mark until I get to that magic number in days.

But I am still discussing matters with some people about Islam the some people are in fact Islamic people, or Muslims, as I have demonstrating some of the ways that they have lied,

I shall give you an example:

Firstly Savage we don't lie about our faith

That is a lie so there, I shall use the res of your answer to demonstrate.

You used the word taqiyyah and we don't practice taqiyyah it is some thing Shias do and they are a complete different religion to Muslims now.

Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah , and for them is a great punishment;

Qur'an 16:106
Now from the above passage I understood tat you can lie about your faith as long as you know what you actually mean in your metaphysical heart, but then all who truly disbelieve there is a great punishment waiting.  

There you go it’s there in the Qur’an/the word of God, well at least of your God. So there was me thinking that Islam hadn’t been hijacked by the Politically correct mob, to contort the words of your prophet into more favourable context, unless what your doing is the thing that you said only the Shia’s do, plus are you a Shia Muslim?  Muslims and Shia Muslims are the same religion but they are different branches of the religion like tho C of E, Mormons, Catholics, Westboro baptists Church and so on. 

So how are you expecting  a response to be?

I'm unsure how I should expect it Green no just if on Faceybook they had dislike buttons I am thinking that it be one of the highest disliked wall posts on on Faceybook; within all history, As I have got an anti Islam tone, maybe I should upload it to youtube with some pictures to fill the story.

But on the Legend of Zelda games I have stagnated, as in I have only looked at the games console in question so far today. But today I saw the trailer for the next episode of Doctor Who, and it looks epic, santa vs the Doctor.

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