Saturday 29 November 2014

Day 512

Day 512;

Sol today was the five hundredth and twelfth day on my records, and I just wanted to clear some stuff up about yesterday.

As I did play in Hyrule, on Skyward Sword to be more exact again, yesterday. But I failed to defeat Demon Lord Ghirahim, so I had nothing ti stop my tirade about the Islamic take over of the west under the guise of political correctness, and you better not it might offend them, even if it insults our collective sensibilities, pretty much like battered wife syndrome; where we, the people that live in the west, are the wife and the people from the east... no not the whole of the east just them that call themselves Muslims, even those that live in the west, and have only took holidays to the east, as the vast majority of people from the west have been bending over backwards to push this false notion of islamophobia and an equally fallacious claim that everyone that doesn't fit into their very narrow lens of politically correctness that automatically makes them a racist (which by saying that actually makes the person that says it's racist racist but hey that's just mu personal opinion, who listens to me, no one).

So today on Skyward Sword I got a really long time on it today and I defeated Demon Lord Girahim, yes I defeated him this time, at attempt number two I defeated Lord Girahim myself. By attempt number two I mean that in the game there is three separate times to defeat him, at least as Girahim, he does transform (transfigure) into the demon kings sword later n in the game but that is after you have already taken him out in the penultimate boss battle. so I was incorrect if/when I stated that it was the penultimate boss battle, But I got my Allergy to complete the next boss bate for me, it was against the Imprisoned, which is really demise that I am going to venture back into the past as soon as I have learnt the special loft wing attack thing and I have defeated the parasite that is attacking the sky flying whale dragon thing then I still need to defeat the 3 or 4 bosses then it's going to be Girahim for the 3rd and final time then is will finally be Demise.

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