Monday 10 November 2014

Day 493

Day 493;

This day was another day in my life which I found that I had done nothing that I wanted to get done for today actually done for today.

Due to my computer that I was going to use for the creation go my little show is in-fact very slow, and I didn't have enough time in the day to get it done, with it being remembrance Sunday and the remembrance service which perplexed Mich as he was one of the only people there that knew the lords prayer as only him and a few others were reciting it after the Vicars, in one of the parts that they have at the ceremonies like that which  even I knew the words to it but I didn't follow on in chorus as I can't speak, as I have heard it so many times at things like that ceremony before the accident that knocked me senseless.

but I don't know why they insist on making it a special  day for the clergy to come out in force and preach to everyone that is standing there our of respect for our dead ancestors and everyone else that is dead, or is that just me?

Zelda, isn't dead unless you count the ones that came before the current game that you're playing with n the time line and perhaps Spirit Tracks, as Zelda is the spirit that follows you around for that game.

Buzt no I didn'rt grt to play on any of the games today due to the fore mentioned occurences but I can't not for the death of me remember what happened to me today. I can remember some thoughts I have been having about Doctor Who like the one about the Brigadier finally getting saluted by the Doctor I thought it was a fitting send off for the Brigadier; and another point I have been thinking about was clara's deception tactics to convince the Cybermen that she was the Doctor, by stating "I know his name' so what why don't you r=tell the Cybermen his name and then Cyber Control can ask the Mistress if she was correct, Then they'd know why they were all scared of for all of those years, the power of a Name? I had at least on other thought about Doctor Who but I forgot my trail of thoughts.

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