Thursday 25 December 2014

Day 538

Day 538;

So it has been day numbered 538 today and what have I learnt?
I have learnt that Sony isn't as big a coward as big theatre chains, and thankfully there are some smaller cinemas and cinema chains to pick up the pieces left behind when they bail, i am typing about the film called "The Interview" who hackers that are linked to North Korea, apparently, but surely the hackers or the "Guardians of Peace" I know that this is just speculation totally unsubstantiated conjecture in every actual way but it seems to be to me at least that they have used the Islamic version of the use of the term peace.

Let me elaborate, by the islamic version I mean that they, the Muslim public, will be brandishing the word peace by saying things like Islam is the religion of peace meanwhile thousands of people are being oppressed by the religion that they are defending, globally, but they'll say that they aren't real Muslims that do the atrocities very much like Christians but the thing is that Christianity isn't known as the religion of peace as they acknowledge there different groups as the same religion both Catholics and Protestants as it was many years ago but then both of the groups have each spawned different denominations from themselves even of the Catholics have, there is the one group that serve the pope and the rest of them/cultural Catholics,the'll go to church every Sunday, or Saturday, they'll sing all of the hymns they'll even confess their sins to the little creep that sits in the box, but they won't be practising very many of the "lessons" learnt, the church doctrine, out and about.

\the schism of the Faith of Islam has been made clear to me by a Muslim "apologist" in his defence of his faith, by stating words to the effect of that the passage is only for the Shia Muslims, but they are a separate religion to the good decent Muslims that we all know here in the west,, but I may have to stress that some of them wen over to the East to help fight in the was that are breaking out over there, , and some of them might have took note of what is going on about the Kim Il fella and they may have also taken note that the truce between North Korea and the west has been holding steady now for quite a while so the hackers from the Islamic state could have decided to launch a cyber attack on one of Americas biggest companies to hopefully start up a world war 3 which would consist of the us throwing nukes at NK and NK retaliating with the whole of the western world caught up in the cross fire which should just leave the eastern world for the Guardians of Peace, to convert to Islam, and then you'll have the peace that they are guarding.

But that is just my potty idea of what shall come to this world, I'm unsure if I mentioned this earlier on but properly decent hackers would leave bread crumbs (a trail); to a location that you would think they'd be coming from not to where they actually came from, now that doesn't take too much difficult thought  now does it? I'm unsure of how to do that but maybe they could be piggybacking through the North Korean servers and then from there they could have piggybacked off of many different severs, for an example if I could build my own server I could go the south Korea and then use some of North Koreas Internet allocation to then to if I could I'd hack America. But that is just my thoughts I only have very little knowledge of how to Hack, and that comes down to the trail and error approach and that is only as I'm very forgetful so I am attempting to hack my way back into my accounts of which 99% of the time I fail, which usually ends up in me sending off for a reset to get my passwords reset.

But today I did get in some small game time it was on Majora's Mask but I remember thinking my memory was incorrect about something but I can't for the life or death of me remember what it was that I typed  the last time that I commented on the game. Who is the pig in the stained glass? Gannon? no as he hasn't been born yet in the time line, demise? no as the Princess Zelda was still a Princess in the corresponding picture  instead of Zelda was she was when Link defeated Demise and Demise wasn't a pig.

And finally have aran excellent celebration of the winter solstice tomorrow/today as it shall be the 25th of december when this is posted.

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