Wednesday 17 December 2014

Day 530

Day 530;

Now today was my next day full of my solo trouping ever closer to my death,

of which I have no idea how it shall happen but at a guess i am guessing that I shall die alone as practically everyone does, cold and damp, due to my drooling problem within the least spectacular fashion, a mundane death for a mundane man, probably be of a disease like the cold, and the only thing someone would say would be. "I told him to eat his vitamins" so a grave stone/memorial placard would probably say "here lies (or scattered to the winds is) Savage, I would say rest in piece about now but I also know that there is no getting up from your rest, I really hope you rot in hell, if there is such a place, and I told you to take your vitamins- Red" but the word Red can and is supposed to be replaced by who ever is closest to me when I finally drop off of my perch.

 I really hate it when I see a photograph of a packet of crisps along with the comment "I open my crisps and it's only half a pack. What's the world coming to" I know that this might as probably is intended to be a joke but I can't help myself thinking, sarcastically, They are some serious first world problems you've got there never mind the many people in our country that have had to go bed tonight starving while others pig out on packs of crisps, chips, burgers and pizza's, eating way too much giving them making them overweight, when shouldn't all of the food be spread out evenly across the country therefore eliminating both of these problems? But I don't mean spread as in butter on bread, I meant it in more general terms like everyone gets served the same school lunch.. but not like that at the same time.

Bur roday I let myself down by not playing on any Zelda games.

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