Sunday 21 December 2014

Day 534

Day 534;

Now today I got a... .. oh dam and blast I've forgotten.

But what I can remember about today was I got to play some more on Skyward Sword, I managed to get through the Lanayru gorge part, with a little help from Allergy. but now I need to find a hole near a time shift stone to place the seed in, so I can watch it grow into a tree, then I can pick some fruit from it to heal the dragon, so I can learn the second part to the song.

I also fixed some of my blog entries. But I( didn't manage to get around to fixing the rest of the ones that need fixing, I must try harder to get around to them.

Plus I've had an idea for a humorous t-shirt, on the front it says 'The "Virgin" Mary' and then beneath the text it has got an image of Mary in bed on the wall behind her it has a calendar and it has the date marked up as the 20th of March 1 BC, on the back it has an image of santa in his sleigh  riding off, with the text under it saying; "The year that santa came early".

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