Saturday 20 December 2014

Day 533

Day 533;

Wel even leaa happened to me today than I can can remember happened to me yesterday which is not a thing that I  can remember of yesterday so how could I remember less? Good question. My Answer is... ,,. It can't so I was just typing nonsense,

Now that that is all typed I have remembered something that I did either this morning or yesterday morning.

Which was?

I shaved off my double chin.

Wait a darn moment. you don't have a double chin, as you never have had a double chin.

Correct Red, it was just as my facial fur grows some of it is darker than other parts, so actually on my chin I had some properly dark stubble but then underneath my chin I had almost white hair which padded out my chin.

Now the following two YouTube video's are on the topic of feminism;

Ha 21 "I won't be interrogated about the size or shape of my actual body parts" really what a joke? I'm sorry but personal parts? What do you mean my private parts? Yeah sure they get attacked more than a females breasts, mainly in the terms of "you have no balls" or an alternative context if a female friend of yours is playing in an male dominated surroundings and if she is better than some male at the game the males friends will lay it into him by saying something like she just taken your balls from you. But then you've got banter  that males do with each other about the size of private parts and so on; so it is only naturally going to filter into the games. I like the DustyOldCrow and her inspired use of her boyfriends chest, which was just awesome.

Now I agree with Obama care just as I agree with the NHS but they have gone too far if they are willing to help the bloaters that are not willing to help themselves.

By the term bloaters I mean the people that sit down everyday gorging themselves with sweets and chocolate and if questioned about their weight they say some tripe about them being a proper size, and it's all the rest of us fault for being to small.

But back onto the topic of disappointment] as I didn't manage to get onto any of the Legend of Zelda games today, or I didn't manage to get any work done on my celebration of the winter solstice done today, either.

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