Saturday 13 December 2014

Day 526

Day 526;

So today I have gone back to my old ways of forgetting almost everything that I have done today by the time of me writing this blogpost.

But I can remember one of the things that I did today, and another of the shenanigans that I told myself to remember to in the morning of today but I forgot, which kind of leaves a gaping caesium in my consciousness.

the first part that I did was to play some more of Skyward Sword, I was focusing on catching some more bugs today, up in the Eldin Mountains, so tomorrow I would like to defeat the imprisoned thing then return to the Faron woods to catch a couple of birds for their feathers to upgrade my shield again, well that is what I am hoping to do tomorrow, 1. if I get onto the game 2. if I remember.

The second thing was my project for the celebration of the winter Solstice Youtube project. Which I forgot about you know the most excruciating thing is when I as sitting there with my PC in-front of me but it's not turned on , as I keep telling myself get on with some of with your work, I'm like "just another quick game then I'll be ready" then after about 5 more I repeat this process.

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