Tuesday 16 December 2014

Day 529

Day 529;

So welcome to my report on the fore-mentioned day, the day that equals (3+3-1*100)+(3-1*10)+(3*3*1)=529, using as manny 3's as I could think of, within this tired state.

Now I'm tired because I have gone to the athletics thing today and that includes a car journey to get to it, I hate car journeys as I always seem to get a head ache when I'm in one traveling. But reason why have decided to tell you people about this today as it's a kind of excuse...

No excesses.

I know red you get very touchy when ever an excuse is  brought up. I'm going to be liking your introduction to Yellow in her new outfit for the Winter Solstice special, Red.


What so have you finished making me, again?

Yes I believe that was one of the things that I was doing today as it's only ten/nine days until the actual day of the celebration of the Winter Solstice.

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