Thursday 4 December 2014

Day 517

Day 517;

Today was the fifth hundredth and seventeenth day of my blogged life.

And on it I went to the gym, played some of the amazing game, which is called Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, today I managed to defeat the parasite that was feeding off of the great sky spirit, now it is just three more of the spirits that I have got to save and learn their parts of the song before going back to have a conversation with the great sky spirit to learn the forth piece of the song, before going back into the past to defeat the Demon Lord Girahim and then his master Greater (I don't know) Demon Lord Demise. Then I watched the film Maleficent which in all honesty was only half bad, or should I have made that a positive statement as the previous statement actually also means only half good.

So the gym today I disappointed myself on the rowing machine as I got a really slow time today over the distance of one thousand meters, it was completed in over six minutes...

Six minutes how slow, I could do better in my sleep.

Hold it Red you haven't heard his reason why he was so slow yet.

What does it matter he was still slow, so why are you asking him for excuses, Yellow?

Well green, I wasn't, I was asking him for a reason.

Ok then fine an excuse.


Well you said a (meaning one) reason and Green said originally excuses (meaning more than one), so Green was clarifying it for you.

Oh, ok I understand you now, but still no.

 No what?

You must really keep u with the conversation Blue, I was meaning that green was still incorrect within his assumptions of what I was asking.

Ok... can we move on now?


Ok thank you Blue, I was waiting for a moment to appear so I could stick my type in there.

So the song that has been took down in four parts but surly Fi is going to remember it from back in her memory each time just after I defeat each one one the three boss battles at the ends of the next three trialsm so If I (or Link) was any good at hacking we could just hack into Fi's memory drive and play it that way, but I am no hacker and neither is Link, that one time was back on my GameCube version of Majora's Mask, and anyway what an epic fail as I had three hearts to kill the Majora.

So onto the final piece that I mentioned up above, the Maleficent thingamajig which was the evil witch/fairy falling in love with the sleeping beauty which wasn't surprising seeing as how the fairy godparents of the child made sure that everyone that comes into contact with the child would then fall into love with her, which makes the final words of the Maleficent curse particularly poignant, which were that "only true loves kiss can break her out of her sleep" which depends on how you define true love as if you defined it in a way that would equal that the people doing the kissing truly believe that they love her, then anyone could kiss her to get her to wake. But if they meant without the spell having effect on anyone that kisses her then she should probably still be sleeping as is the curse of the lovely dovey spell.

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