Sunday 14 December 2014

Day 527

Day 527;

Now today was day 527 and today I have watched a football match, the team that I support lost, again- in the league that they're in.

The score was 1-4, but firstly I'd like t state that I thought American Football was another name for soccer, or as I probably should have written ir that I thought that Soccer was another name for American Football/Rugby for wimps; What don't look at me like that blue, it is just like Rugby but it is for wimps.


As in American football they wear all that additional padding,

But ain't it sensible to wear padding? Besides didn't you wear more padding than that when you used to play roller hockey?

Well there you go bringing up part of me that has  been dead for quite some time now
 my memory of body checking people into the walls of the room that is beneath a window of the gym where I train at, but within that sport you could actually do some proper harm to others even if you didn't mean to, as your hockey stick can catch someone and by the way I needed glasses back then just like now so I needed a helmet to protect my specs, also. But I played a bit of Rugby in school swell back then, my eyes weren't as bad as they are now for a start so I could have properly taken them ogg before going out, into the fray, as I probably would do now. Barrelling into people is fun enough without all of that padding.

But why did you rhink that American football and soccer were the same things?

As in Rugby football, to give it it's full name, you can run the ball over your oppositions team line to score or you have to kick (Sock/Boot) the ball over the posts to score a different type of goal, so that ifs why i used to think it was called soccer (Socker)

But now I'm getting onto the things that I haven't done or I haven't done enough on today, as Today I didn't make any impact on Skyward Sword but I attempted to make an impact on the mountain of work that I still have to do for the Fez-tive period of time that is coming up shortly. 

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