Wednesday 31 July 2019

Day 2156

Day 2156;

My BMI today was 19.59, I had walked 17,915 steps which were 11.60 km and I had burned 1603 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, nectarine, peach and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: sausage, carrots, peas, broccoli, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow is my day of going to the beach, weather permitting, then I also want to get on the Zwift bike at some juncture of the day then maybe I will also get in some treadmill exercise and even some rowing machine exercise.

As today I only managed to fit in the cycle ride in the morning, before I had a lazy afternoon, still thinking about the triathlon that I’m planning on doing alongside Emu, and it’s a tandem ride that I’m wanting to do with a friend (Mr P) as Tini and Mich aren’t so keen on me getting on the back of the tandem with Mr P as they’re thinking that it’s not fair on him having to kart me around, even though I pull my own weight on the tandem, I do believe (as Mich has said in the past that some of the hills that we have been up that if he was riding them on his own he wouldn’t, he’d have got off the bike and walked).

Still I ain’t any closer to competing in an Olympics or a Paralympics as I’m thinking that would probably be the most likely to happen, to me as I’m disabled disappointingly, and I don’t understand how people are supposed to be aware, it’s not as if I’ve got a leg missing or something. I have got all of my body parts, the only things weird about me physically (to look at) could be the fact that my head generally leans to one side, I have a drooling issue and I walk a bit funny, so how do people know that I am disabled and they all appear to have similar reactions to me, well they generally fit into two camps, 1. the pity parade (people that talk down to me to be sure that I can understand them) 2. the people that are like “where’s your minder” of which I don’t mind so much, as I usually have someone that can understand me within my local area.

But then there’s the anomalies I know like the people I knew from before the unfortunate incident, like Mr P, and there was a small child who was attending an event at the school that I used to go to when I was acting as a Front of House person, the child asked me for something so I indicated where they needed to go to get to , but the child was expecting me to tell him .

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