Friday 5 July 2019

Day 2140

Day 2140;

My BMI was 19.00 today, which is low my steps were at 773, which was surprisingly 0.50 km and I had burned 671 kcal today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple, nectarine, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread) and fruit cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, tar tar sauce and chocolate trifle,.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snack: one rice cake (with a chocolate coating).

For tomorrow I will probably be having a lazy day by lazy I’m not typing about my limited stats for today. But I have actually been doing enough exercise to get myself up to +1000 minutes of intensity for the week so far which has beaten last week up until this point but I have done a little cycle around the local area yesterday which I usually need to do on Sunday to get my intensity minutes over the line. Now the intensity minutes for this week have mostly come off of the Zwift bike, but I may have a short walk tomorrow as well as well as play on Breath of the Wild, and the usual lazy sport that I will probably be up to in the morning, which is before the game between England and Sweden tomorrow it’s the third place playoff, of which I hope that the Swedes are up for the game as they have had a day less to prepare, their last game went into extra time and then they looked quite dead on their feet by the end of the last match.

Today I have spent the morning on doing some stuff in the fifth divine beasts, I only managed to get myself a second one of four terminals in the morning, but then again I played again later on today and I completed the whole of the final divine beast, minus the boss, which I have decided after trying a considerable amount of times that I’ve still got loads more shrines to find and a lot of little side quests still incomplete so I will be getting all of the rest done beforehand, or at the very least I shall be attempting, but of the shrines I still need to find twenty more I think, as I still need five more heart containers to make thirty, as I know that for the first line there’s fifteen heart containers, I counted (I know I’m sad), and then for the second I have currently ten, as I get thirty heart containers every time I die, thanks to Mipha, but then I have cooked some of the hearty fruit and truffles which should at least get milky health back up for when I’m attempting to fight the Monk, instead of being restricted to three hearts for the opening exchanges of the battle.

Before that I had to give a key to a nice Eastern European woman (I think) as she was the cleaner for the house that we are putting up for rent out on behalf on behalf of the GM. It’s somewhere in the contract that we have got with the estate agency which we are using to have this cleaning company go to the property to clean it out before and after the client has started and finished, and who does the cleaning company hire Eastern European people, as they are probably the cheapest labourers. Cheap is the word that counts as if they were thinking of paying people a decent wage for the time and effort that these Eastern European’s put into making a house look more presentable for the future occupants then we probably couldn’t use the wage slaves from the east.

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