Saturday 20 July 2019

Day 2155

Day 2155;

This day my BMI was 19.82, I had only done 1294 steps (which were 0.84 km in distance walked) but then again I had burned 752 kcal, which seems to be loads seeing how lazy I have been today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: baked beans, rice cake (plain) and something.
Dinner: pasta (seafood), broccoli, carrots, potatoes, chips and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: apple, orange, banana, raspberries and yogurt.

Tomorrow I plan on having a much more active day, than today at least which won’t be difficult. Especially not when we will be going for a cycle ride tomorrow.

Now today I have been lazy from the “get-go”, I believe that is a phrase used to define the time frame of beginning. It all started from my getting up and going out to boccia, the “sport” which has you sitting down to throw some balls towards a white ball (jack ball) to attempt to get the balls of your colour closer to the Jack than the balls of the other colour. Then all I have done for the rest of the day has been playing on the Switch, which I think I have now managed to get eighty four of the ninety side quests complete.

Hylian Zora Goron Gerudo and Rito the major races from in Hyrule, I know their maybe others thrown in such as the Minish (Pictori) the humans and Kokiri. But then there’s also the Sheik, which go along with the royal family (then the ones that go against are the Yiga, I do believe. But that still makes them some of the Sheik species.

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