Saturday 27 July 2019

Day 2162

Day 2162;

Today my BMI was 19.62, steps I had taken were 13,922 (which was apparently 9.01 km) and I had burned off 1306 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, strawberries, grapes, yogurt, bacon and muffin.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, ham in white bread), salad and something.
Dinner: pizza (pepperoni), salad, potato salad and tiramisu.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: kit kat’s and shortbread.

So tomorrow I still need to get in one hundred and eight more minutes of intensity which is a bit of a letdown, as I was doing so well for the first few days of the week. But then again I have done almost nothing today but more on that later, as I’m thinking that I should be having a ride on the tandem tomorrow, a nice long one at that also. Then I think that I should probably get down to some training for the para triathlon that I’m wanting to get myself to doing. Which should be a 400 or 500 meter/yard swim, 12 to 15 miles of cycling before a typical 3.1 mile jog/run, I could probably get the jog/run done on the treadmill positively easily the same with the cycling.

So then what was it that I have done today? It started off in a little cycle on Emus Exercise bike, then it went to the breakfast which was a big breakfast today, no wonder that C is a bit big if he has a breakfast like that every morning.

Then we went on a walk into the town to visit a place of the towns tales, which was interesting, a little bit at least. Then we later went to shops to purchase Mich some new shoes and smart attire and following this we went out on a small bike ride, Emu was on her newish heavy bike, C was on his old sporty bike and Mich and I were on our old tandem.

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