Wednesday 17 July 2019

Day 2152

Day 2152;

My BMI was 18.84, I had made 26,912 steps (which was apparently 18.72 km) and I burned off a grand total of 2777 kcal which means that for two days in a row I have managed to reach my kcal goal, before I check in with my body test.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, orange, apple, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (fish finger in white bread) and cake (lemon cake).
Dinner: fish in pastry, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange), Tango (orange) and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cakes (toffee flavoured).

Tomorrow I haven’t got a clue of what’s actually happening I’m guessing that I’ll probably get a ride on the Zwift bike, Mich’s avatar may be able to try on the SRAM jersey that I supposedly earned for taking part in the final SRAM race, which was a pleasant enough twenty two point two mile cycle around Wattopia’s hilly course, such a pity that I did so pathetically in the race.

So I was thinking about what I should do this afternoon as I had already done an hour on the treadmill, it was an hour on the hill routine but it was also slower than the routine was yesterday. Then I got myself a drink, my lunch and a rice cake and I sat outside, I then ate my rice cake and drank my drink afterwards I went for a little jog around outside just until half twelve before I ate my lunch. With all this activity that I had done this morning my active minutes were up to eight hundred and seventy which should keep me in good stead for me reaching the goal before the end of the day, seeing as how I started today at something like seven hundred minutes, so that gives me three hundred and fifty per day.

Then after I had finished my lunch I went back onto the treadmill for a second little hourlong jog, but this time it was a Strength jog, and then as soon as I’d finished my activity I checked my intensity minutes on my watch, it told me that I’d done nine hundred and ninety three minutes of intensity so far this week. So I thought that’s fine all I should need to do now is just a bit more on the rowing machine, later, after I had finished on the rowing machine I was eating the rest of my rice cake and drinking my bottle of Lucozade sport as you do when you’ve just been exercising when I sat down outside my watch bleeped at me, it was saying that I’d completed my minutes of intensity goal, oh well it must be a bit slow on the part that is telling me.

After I had finished stuffing my face with the rice cake I went back into the gym like facility which is really a conservatory, and I had myself a little fifteen minute row on the rowing machine and a fifteen minute bounce on the trampoline before I went back to the kitchen for some more fluids and to finish the rice cake that I had started earlier before I had myself some yoga to do. Which if I may (or even if I’m not permitted to say) say was the most challenging part of the activities that I had done today.

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