Monday 15 July 2019

Day 2150

Day 2150;

My BMI of today was 19.27, I had made 19,245 steps (which was 12.46 km) and I had burned off 2092 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans, sausage roll and something.
Dinner: sandwich I think and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, orange fizz and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate cake and something.

Tomorrow In my opinion I have got to burn off that little amount of kcal off that I had to do to get myself up to the total, amount of kcal for my daily calorie expenditure it has got to increase by the smallest margin, that I thought I had managed to get myself up to my total of kcal needed for the day according to Wii Fit, which I believe that I have actually managed to reach once in the past, at least while it has been at this level.

Now today I have been to the athletics club, as well as going on the Zwift bike and on the treadmill alas I didn’t get around to fitting in any time on the Switch, as I appear to have inherited a GoPro from Mich, and I have been using it in surveillance camera mode with Mich’s old iPhone which I also seem to have inherited, by the surveillance mode I mean I wasn’t actually recording anything with the camera I was using it as a third eye, so I could if I wanted to put it on my hat backwards and then I could see behind myself by looking at my phone. Mich hadn’t worked out how to use it in the three times of use he used it for after I had already instructed him on its working. But then not only I had attempted to instruct him on how to work it, as Emu had also attempted on our last ski trip. Which leads up up to getting the new GoPro for Mich which should probably be more complex to use, as the greater number of inputs on the new camera, of which it’s actually the opposite; if you’re Mich. Old camera/my new camera two input switches new camera has the two switches (on/off and then there’s the picture taking one) and then on the screen, as it’s touch screen you’ve got three more points to press then it’s also got a swipe the screen function, left/right it changes the cameras function (from video to photo even to a mode which gives you a select time frame of filming I think) swipe down (I think or it could be swiping up, or both?) it gets you onto the camera memory  storage space where you can view your former videos and content which are stored on the camera. Now his new one comes from Allergy’s great idea of something to get as a gift for Emu, for her anniversary day, then when they got back from their trip they were showing us their GoPro footage which was done off of one that they had just bought before they went so basically Mich bought the new GoPro from them.

So that’s had kept me entertained until it was my time to go to the athletics club of which was very fun, as it started off by having us do a little thing which was kind of like an obstacle course, before I left to walk across to the other side of the track so we could throw with the sun behind us as I was struggling with the light we were on the east side of the track which should have had us throwing west, before we changed to the west side throwing east, which was greatly appreciated, but what wasn’t appreciated was the state of the lawn, it was littered with litter, which I guess should have just been enough for me to have stated it was plastered with rubbish, so I put my feet down and cleared it up a bit then Mr P told me not to otherwise I could get a job picking litter. I quite like that idea, now all I need to do is get someone to pilot me over to the athletics club every morning on the tandem, for me to start my job of picking up litter. Employment sorted.

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