Thursday 4 July 2019

Day 2139

Day 2139;

My BMI today was 19.27, the number of steps that I had taken was 14,504 (or 9.39 km of distance) and I had burned off 1213 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, nectarine, peach, banana, orange, apple, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (cheese and pickle), grapes and fruit cake.
Dinner: spaghetti with meatballs (quorn), cheese and cream tart (mandarin and peach).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

For tomorrow I am planning on doing similar to today, which was breakfast, Switch, lunch, bike, dinner then bed. But I’m hoping that I beat the final divine beast tomorrow as I had forgotten that I needed to activate it in the map screen before you can do pretty much anything inside, when I did I almost immediately got to the second terminal, after the first which you get the map from but the first out of the four that you have to reach, now haven’t I gone slightly too much into what I have done today, sorry about that I should really leave that for later. Now in-between breakfast and Switching I will probably do the boring little bit of my daily maintenance and then I should probably try for two hours and a third on the turbo trainer before dinner and then bed, or unless I still haven’t completed the next divine beast I’ll have some more of attempting to do on that before the night is through.

Just today was interesting as it was a day that Allergy complemented me on my daily routine as it wasn’t just solely getting fitter, as she is part of the podge posey, podge is the word that I use to describe an appearance of fat, now you might take offence at the description but then as Mich told me when I called him a podge that when you’re middle aged your supposed to gain a bit of extra fat, to which I stated that Mich’s probably slightly past middle age, and his children probably need to be getting on a bit in the grandchildren stakes, as when he was his sons age he was approximately creating children of his own for his parents to make them grandparents.

Then again I went out on the tandem with Mich, after I had done an hour and forty minutes on the Zwift bike at two separate times. With BMI I believe that I was getting slightly podge when I was up around the twenty two mark also now that Mich is somewhere around that mark also he believes that his BMI is perfect, and like Allergy that I’m too slim, which was just an excuse to slim shame me.

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