Wednesday 10 July 2019

Day 2145

Day 2145;

My BMI is 19.00, today, and I had only done just enough steps 10,593 steps (I suppose it is down to the activities that I have done today) but the distance that I have apparently walked was only 6.86 km and I had burned 1489 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, watermelon, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages on rice cakes (salt and vinegar), tunocks wafer and pink cake.
Dinner: burger (chicken and green leaves), chips and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash,Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.
Snack: one rice cake.

Now tomorrow I will probably attempt to do much the same as today, meaning I’ll play on the Switch in the morning, I’ll do a bit of cycling/jogging in the afternoon then I’ll probably have another few moments on the Switch to call it a day at. I’m guessing that about sums up what I have done today as well as what I’m going to do tomorrow. So now what’s the point of this blog?

My plan for a more eco Tour de France:
Well I haven’t planned, yet, but I would like to do. It’s a little Tour around France but instead of having all of those stages separated by varying amounts, you start the next stage from where the previous days stage finished that way you’ll not have to get into the cars and travel across the country to the next stage, also we wouldn’t have all of the team cars, you would only need one or two car(s) for the whole race, as in set the one support car as a neutral support car that way if any cyclist is in any trouble you can get a replacement bike off of the car, and I’m guessing that should mean that all of the bikes are the same for every team, which would make it better than if everyone has they’re own bikes as it would put everyone on a level playing field, just with their own strengths to rely on, if you got a puncture, or you broke your bike in another way, then you should have to fix it unless you can’t then you have to wait until the neutral support car arrived to help you and replace your bike if needed. I plan on starting it at a place which is good enough distance from a campsite and then you have got to ride your bike to the campsite, where you’d set up camp for the night, then it’s just you’d be campsite jumping for the next, about, three weeks when you’d arrive back in Paris, now I know that is probably not going to happen but I can dream. It could also be done with gender equality in mind so that you’ve got all the cyclists on the start line male and female so then feminists shouldn’t complain about their not being enough representation for their gender and they probably would still complain about the facts that the women may finish the stage after the men and they may need more advantage to win, dam them hypocrites it’s not supposed to be fair it’s designed to weed out the weak from the strong, at cycling, in a cycling competition it doesn’t matter what you’re gender is it only matters how proficient you are at cycling, which is another reason why you should all be given the same bike (not as in the same literal bike but instead the same type of bike).

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