Tuesday 30 July 2019

Day 2165

Day 2165;

BMI of 19.49, with steps of only 10,541 (which was only 6.82 km of distance) and I had only burned off 1006 kcal today

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach, nectarine and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, broccoli, potatoes and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snack: 1 quality street chocolate.

Tomorrow I have got a cycle ride planned, if the weather holds for us tomorrow, that is. Then I think that is it for the plans.

Now today I have been to a zoo, which lasted the morning, it wasn’t a very big zoo, we found where the bird displays were, in the past but there ain’t any more, by the grass growth from some of the seats I don’t think that it has been used in years.

Then we returned to our abode I think that I had another little cycle around NYC, well it wasn’t on Monday, as I had completed no minutes of an intense workout for yesterday.

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