Tuesday 16 July 2019

Day 2151

Day 2151;

BMI has been 19.00, steps were 24,311 (which has given me a distance walked of 15.74 km) and I have burned off 2230 kcal which has exceeded my goal, which means that I have now exceeded my goal for 2 days straight.

Breakfast: cereal,raspberries, banana, orange, apple, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: spaghetti with mini sausages and somethings...
Dinner: fish, carrots, broccoli, potatoes and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I probably won’t be able to get in a ride on a bike, due to the fact that Mich isn’t here and he has disassembled the Zwift bike and put it somewhere, so I could find it and reassemble it potentially. But then again what’s more likely to happen tomorrow is that I just get on the treadmill for a couple of hours, which probably could get my activity minutes up to one thousand minutes for the week within three days, which would be remarkable, to be honest.

On this day I have got frustrated by the BBC’s what seems to me, at least, constant POTUS bashing, but I think that they may have given it a five minute break to congratulate the English cricketers for their winning of the World Cup, which was a nice change. Now just a brief look into my mind on this whole Trump, now this is only my two pence on the subject of the question which should be on everyone’s lips but sadly it’s not “How is Donald Trump racist?”

How is it racist? He never mentioned race in either of his spiels, now the only reason that I can see that the media is using the race card, is just as they have a vendetta against Trump, I don’t have any reason to think that though other than all of the attacks on the democratically elected president of the USA.

The correct answer to why is it racist? Is because it’s because it’s Trump, and we all know how much of a NAZI sympathiser he is, don’t we?... erm no, the NHS seems to be more of a NAZI idea than having a loose cannon in the White House.

Surely it’s more sexist and racist of the people calling out Trump for his “racism” because they don’t believe that the 4 unnamed (by Trump) congresswomen are so disadvantaged by the facts of their heritage and they are obviously too weak and feeble that they need protecting by the media behind the fabrication of some racist smears?

It’s political correctness gone mad.

Now that was my tuppence on the subject; but I have had a disappointment on the Zwift bike as I was doing the SRAM ride today m of which I did slowly as I had just about finished the first lap, which was in fact four laps around the hilly course, so the ride was a three lap (twelve laps) around the hilly course of Wattopia and I got a new jersey for completing the ride which was in two hundredth and first position so I have a lot of work to do to get myself up to professional standards, who had completed the twelve laps in about the time it took me to do four, about. So I managed to do the course in just under one hour thirty which gave me an average speed of sixteen mph, but then I was gasping for a drink by the end.

Then after that exercise I had my lunch before going on the treadmill for a little forty minute jog over the strength course to match my forty minute exercise of yesterday but it was over the hill yesterday, I’m wondering if I can do both tomorrow but for an hour of each?  Which should get my minutes up.

But then it was Mich that asked me to get out on the tandem for another ride later on today, as he had finished his work and it was a rest day of the Tour de France, so therefore there’s no watching today. In the tandem ride today we had managed to average at a speed of 15.7 mph, which is almost up to the speed that I had managed earlier on today. That’s about it for today.

But then I actually got in some Switch time today, which was good, pity it wasn’t enough time to actually get anything done in Breath of the Wild. 

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