Tuesday 23 July 2019

Day 2158

Day 2158;

For today my BMI was up slightly to 19.30, my steps were up to 25,427 (which means that I have covered more ground in 16.46 km to be more accurate) and then I have burned 2045 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple, raspberries, watermelon, peach and yogurt.
Lunch: sushi, sandwich (cheese), Victoria bream sandwich and cookie.
Dinner: spaghetti bolognese with cheese, chocolate trifle and millionaires pot.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, caffeine flavoured milk, ale and hot Ribena.
Snack: ice lolly.

The day that never comes, tomorrow, I don’t really know what I have planned for, at all... now you’re really supposed to chip in with a helpful suggestion... ... no one ? Really no one is home? Wow I should really do this more often.

Now today what have I done? Yo... erm no Red bridges your are burned, you could have easily informed me about what I had planned for tomorrow, but no silence. But I cannot remember what I have got planned for tomorrow. Excuses, tsk you should know better. Now today I have been outside taking a walk, moving around a bird bath, listening to Boris Johnson’s victory (whilst jogging on the spot) before lunch and I also took a shower. The shower was before I went to the barbershop, as that was the place where we had taken a walk to.

Then after lunch I think that I did a bit more of jogging around the back garden which I had finished by the time that I had my snack of a ice lolly, which was refreshing in the heat, of outside, but Mich was needing one also due to his working over a hot computer indoors all day prior, minus the walk to the barbershop. But then after the ice lolly I went for a walk around outside, just to get my steps up, slightly more, seeing how I’d already doubled my daily step goal, for my watch, and I was off away with the fairies with my thoughts about swimming, skating, cycling and running (jogging) that I was having whilst I was jogging/walking about today. As Tini has said that I could potentially get fitter at her school with the mile track marked out on the playground and her saying that I could possibly have myself skating, cycling and jogging around the track/school field. But then I could get myself off to the pool which is at my local sports centre with some of my neighbours who are quite old but they are still swimmers and they probably have membership to the gym that I go to, as I have often seen them walking around to the swimming pool. Now all I need to do is get myself swimming.

After thinking and doing that I spent the rest of the day inside on the Switch, more of Breath of the Wild, I defeated the monk Maz what’s his face to get myself a bike, a motorcycle in fact. So now that has rendered all of my horses useless, basically. 

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