Monday 8 July 2019

Day 2143

Day 2143;

My BMI was 18.87, I had only made 12,721 steps, which was apparently 8.24 km and I had burned 1288 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, watermelon, banana, orange, apple, strawberries, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: rice, chicken, green beans and potatoes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I am planning on taking another Zwift cycle and then I’m probably going to watch the tennis and the Tour de France. As I’m not feeling really that great now, as I’ve had to use my inhalers today and I’m going to have to use them for at least tomorrow.

As for today I have done two hours on the Zwift bike, the first was around Richmond and the second was around the volcano in Wattopia. But that wasn’t the reason that I needed my inhalers, I could probably do all my cycling in a day and I still wouldn’t need an inhaler. I was only forced to use my inhalers as I had been eating my dinner and I’m unsure of how to describe what happened to me, but then all that I could do was spit up phlegm so I tried to walk it off and I got myself a few whacks on my back, just as attempt to dislodge the unknown entity which was causing the discomfort, if not mine then then that of the others sitting around the table. I couldn’t tell that I had anything stuck in my throat it was just happening to me again.

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