Sunday 28 July 2019

Day 2163

Day 2163;

BMI was 19.71, steps 16,955, distance walked was 10.98 and the amount of calories I burned was 1668 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, nectarine, peach and yogurt.
Lunch: soup (tomato), eclair, doughnut and cream slice.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, carrots, chips and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot Ribena.

Next up I have plans, made for me, they are plans which are very good as they include me going off to the Snow Area for the day, first off to have a snowboarding lesson, then to have a ski, with the addition of the GoPro and Mich.

Then today we have been on a cycle ride to the GM’s current habitat, and back, then once we had returned we walked our way to GAK’s place, and back, with our lunch in between. Then Mich has got next week off of work, I think he’s taking next week off as annual leave.

What else have I done today? No one, not even you Red?... Oh I forgot you aren’t typing to me anymore.

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