Friday 19 July 2019

Day 2154

Day 2154;

Today my BMI was 19.43, I had only managed to do 18,621 steps (which was apparently 12.06 km) and I had burned off 1910 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch I: baked beans, vegan pasty and Victoria bream sandwich.
Dinner: pasta (seafood), green leaves, tomatoes cheese and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, tea and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cake coated in chocolate and Victoria bream sandwich.

So tomorrow will be a lazy day as I have got boccia practice, I wonder how long it has got left? As Tini and L (the substitute coach) are having doubts that it’ll continue, then if it does end I’ll have my Saturdays back, to do what you may be wondering well I don’t know as is my answer to practically every question.

Today was a in part lazy day as I had got my ninety minute little slow paced jog done on the treadmill, then I was waiting for Mich to do what he said that he was going to do, after I’d finished on the treadmill, meaning get that Zwift bike out but he didn’t get the Zwift bike out, so I had a shower instead and I was lazy ever since.

Being lazy and I played more on Breath of the Wild, I think that I have been able to get eighty out of ninety side quests completed. Bought Link his own home in Hateno (I think that’s how it’s spelt) and I’m looking for a Goron with son at the end of his name to become an import to Tarrey Town. Wasn’t there originally some town called Tarrey in the Legend of Zelda games? I don’t know but now I think that I can remember something of the sort, but then again obviously not as it’s only just being built in Breath of the Wild.

Also in cycling today Julian Allah Philipe has just blown away the competition on the time trial, within the Tour de France, I think he even managed to put an extra sixteen seconds onto G today. It’s the mountains to come which is where they are thinking that Julian will falter, ha that was after they had just stated that he won the king of the mountains jersey within one of his previous races.

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