Wednesday 1 May 2019

Day 2085

Day 2085;

My BMI was 19.92, the amount of steps I had taken were 16,549 which gave me a distance of 10.72 km and I had burned 1448 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef in wholemeal bread) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quorn), mushroom, apple pie and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I should be able to get to the gym and I should be going down to the polling office so I can exercise my democratic rights, which is basically putting 2 crosses beside 2 names on a piece of paper, to vote for 2 people which are going to represent the people from this political ward of this constituency on the local council.

The flags up all over the place are Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties, but I don’t really want either of them to win the elections. As the Conservatives have proved themselves to be incompetent and the Liberal Democrat’s have thrown there toys out of their cots, as they didn’t get the result that they wanted in the last referendum, so they have decided to ignore democracy, and they’re going to give it to us again to vote on as if we didn’t know what we were voting for the last time we voted, to “hopefully” get the vote overturned, without enacting the result of the last one first. Which I personally believe is deplorable, they say that they’re attempting to stop Brexit but why? Don’t they think that we are an old enough nation to make it on our own, without the big brother esk hand of the EU on top of our hand guiding us so that we won’t make a “mistake”.

Now I have 2 songs which can be used to describe my emotions (I think) on this topic the first is by oasis, it’s called “Little by little” and it is to say have a bit of patience, just work through the problems little by little if need be, it doesn’t all have to be done right away, it can be done little by little if need be so now all of this millennial desire to have it all and to have it now much like the following Queen song, “I want it all”.

Also in the past few days both Tottenham and Liverpool have lost in their Champions League semifinals, as Tottenham only lost by one goal, meanwhile Liverpool lost by 3, so that is pretty disappointing for the FA.

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