Monday 13 May 2019

Day 2097

Day 2097;

As my BMI for today I had exactly the same as yesterday (19.69), steps I took were up slightly (22,610) which gave me a distance walked of 14.64 but I had burned off less calories (at 1862).

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: spaghetti with mini sausages on bread (wholemeal), carrot cake and lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: fish, green beans, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, new potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes 

I probably won’t be able to do as many steps tomorrow, it honestly surprised me on how many I have done today as this morning I have been on the Zwift bike, treadmill, trampoline and rowing machine, but I am going to leave that for a bit, as I still need to inform you of my going’s on for tomorrow. Which I am uncertain of to say the least, then I am guessing that I will probably be up for a little bit of the fitness training stuff which I have got at my abode, maybe some yoga, and probably some more of Game of Thrones, season 5, I do believe, but the 5th episode of season 8 was good.

Now today I have watched some more of Game of Thrones so spoiler warning if you haven’t seen it. It had Jamie and Cercei reduced to ashes, as well as the almost complete population of Kings Landing Euron Greyjoy killed by the one handed man. But that was at the end of the episode Vary’s was killed off by the second mad queen for suggesting that Jon Snow should probably be the next in line for the throne of which Jon rejects whole heartedly but by the time the fighting and dragon fire erupts upon the city even I could tell that he was having second thoughts on his dismissal of the question, of his readiness to rule.

Then earlier on this day I started off by having a short, 30 minute, cycle around New York. I wasn’t traveling at any great speed or anything, I only managed to get 8 miles done, so I would probably have have got as far around it on the tandem, as we have been managing to get around about 15 mph on our recent cycle rides, so therefore 16 is only 1 mph quicker, so comparable. We had been told that the two of us on the tandem are now probably quick enough for the more serious business of riding with the club on some of the more serious group rides, besides from the slowly paced rides that we have been on with the local club. Which Mich was telling me that we are going to have to sign up to Britain’s cycling group to become a member which is similar to Britain’s athletics club thing which I am already a member of, but then I thought that it was England Athletics that I was part of, anyway.

It was also athletics training today, and I cannot tell if Jaz man has just lost some ability in the long jump or wether I have gained some, as I can remember his jumps from a couple of weeks previous were at least a foot bigger than mine but then today they were more comparable with my own as if I was jumping into the foot prints of Mr Jaz man, or just slightly back on them. 

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