Sunday 26 May 2019

Day 2110

Day 2110;

Today my BMI was 19.71, steps were only 9651 which was 6.25 km and my calories burned were only 1131 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, raspberries, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: egg, wholemeal bread, green leaves, purple leaves, tomatoes, seafood sauce, egg custard and apple turnover.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, peas, broccoli, crochet potatoes, tart (peach, nectarine with cream) and chocolate eclair.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange), fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I thought there was a plan, but then I have forgotten about it, I know that Mich will be around but no athletics tomorrow as it’s a bank holiday or something similar. Then again we are having a anniversary lunch tomorrow for the GAK tomorrow, then again I still have to do the fifth and  seventh stages for the tour of Wattopia, within the next week. So that’s the fifth which I have no idea of what is going on in, and the seventh, or the tour of ice and fire (very game of thrones, I think), but then I have already done that course before (something like a month ago) which was fun, but I was the slowest around the course, it was in a time of greater than 2 hours I’m thinking it took me something more of the 3 hour mark. But they’re more my goals for the following week, as it is another catch up week.

Then today I have done a bit of cycling to the GM’s place, and back, but then I must have had another lazy afternoon with me only doing a little jog while I was watching a bit more of Game of Thrones. But it was only the one episode today, as I was thinking about leaving it until tomorrow to watch the final season of the Game, as I had watched up to episode 6 of season 7 yesterday. I was wondering if Tini wanted to watch season 8, as well.

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