Saturday 18 May 2019

Day 2102

Day 2102;

My BMI was up to 19,92 and my steps were down to just 8879 which only gave me a pathetic distance of 5.75 km and I had only managed to burn 997 kcal off today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: omelettes (duck egg, chicken egg, cheese, tomato) and 3 slices of cakes.
Dinner: spaghetti bolognaise, cheese and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: apple, orange, banana and yogurt.

Now tomorrow I am going on another cycle, to the GM’s place of residence, probably, which should be fun,I mean the tandem ride around . The visiting part I’m unsure of, as what do I do when I’m there? I don’t know. What am I supposed to do? Listen and what I’m told to do, I don’t really have any autonomy at least not at the GM’s place of residence, I have just done as I have been told.

So what have I done today? Other than not much on the exercise front I also haven’t been up to much in other forms. So I basically have had a lazy day today as I predicted yesterday I believe, but I had managed to get the last 41 minutes of my minutes of intensity completed today, as I had walked an hour long treadmill walk, before I watched Eurovision which was a shambles from the UK’s perspective as they finished last, but still they managed to get more points on the public vote than the German "

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