Wednesday 15 May 2019

Day 2099

Day 2099;

My BMI today was 19,43, my steps were only at 30,709 which only gave me a distance of 19.88 km but I had burned 2349 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten
Dinner: I’ve forgotten again.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I’m going to scare down my morning activities a bit, as I’m only planning on doing a half hour walk on the treadmill, instead of the two hour run/jog that I did today, but then after that half hour walk I am planning on doing another half hour row before an hour on the trampoline. As that shouldn’t be overdoing it.before me attempt at a three hour little jog for the next day, as I will be wondering if I can get up-to full marathon distance in the 3 hours, I somehow doubt it, as I only got to half marathon distance in my two hour run/jog today, but it was apparently at quicker than eight mph as an average speed, which surprised me, as I had only just managed to get it up to a speed of eight on the treadmill by the time that I had finished.

For today I have done as I typed above in the morning, which was a two hour run/jog on the treadmill, which had me run/jog on the spot for two hours, basically, which is an inefficient way to spend the morning, I’m thinking that if I could get out and run/jog for the equivalent time I probably wouldn’t have even managed to get half as far as it says I did on my watch and I may have been dead by the time that I returned, so that’s a challenge that I would find certainly interesting, to run a quarter of a marathon outside inside two hours without killing myself. Well I have ran a quarter of a mile outside without killing myself, just, the other week.

There was in an episode of Game of Thrones I watched a part which was at the end where Stannis Baratheon said to Davos Seaworth (I do believe is his name) that Jon Snow isn’t Ned Stark’s son which perplexed me at the time of my first watch, but now I get it, it was probably that the lord commander Jon Snow decided to spare the life of of his subordinate instead of just killing him as the code of the nights watch decrees, and the Starks had been known for always following the rule of law no matter the consequences, just as Jon’s “brother” did which cost Rob his head in the end, but I know that he had already forsaken his word to Lord Walder Frey before then, of which Ned Stark just wouldn’t have done, hence why he was married to Katlyn, despite that slight bit of inequality the point stands, or does it?

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