Wednesday 29 May 2019

Day 2113

Day 2113;

BMI was at 19.69, my steps were down to 7393 which was only 4.79 km and I had burned 1270 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: pasta meatballs, cheese, chocolate trifle and milk chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, shloer and hot Ribena.
Snacks:Jaffa cakes.

Tomorrow I believe that I’m on my own, as I think that Allergy is going out, for x or y reason, then Mich is going off to work and Tini I think is going into work for half day, but then I suppose she worked for probably more than half of the day today on helping me to clear my room and put it back together which was a task of which Mich started me off doing this morning not thinking that it would be finished before tomorrow.

Today I have been lazy as I have been tidying up my room, basically, so what I literally have done is helped rearrange my bedroom. Why you maybe wondering as I was also for the first part of the day, it would probably have been one of those occasions where I would have been whinging, as my room wasn’t very bad in the first place. Then Mich had a plan of which was a way of changing my bedrooms storage capabilities, which was literally moving the chest of drawers and replacing it with a wardrobe, which should be easy enough to get done.

It wasn’t as so, as by the time that Mich and I had removed the chest of draws and replaced it with the wardrobe, Tini came in saying why so we had to rearrange the room, now the bed is pointing east, it was pointing north, games and all sporting attire is is now in my old wardrobe, meanwhile all my T-shirts are in my new wardrobe which is now positioned where my beds headboard was and the chest of drawers is now positioned next to the new wardrobe. 

So that was my day gone basically, but I with some help (from Tini which surprised me) managed to get my room all done in record time, so quick in actual fact that I still had time to get away to the GMs house for a slightly longer walk around, an about half mile walk, before helping them pack the car with the replacement wardrobe for another room, the room of which my new wardrobe came from. Which was roughly my day, I know that I managed to get the next episode of Game of Thrones in as well later on but that was only just before I did this, writing.

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