Thursday 2 May 2019

Day 2086

Day 2086;

My BMI was up to 20.05 today, I had walked 12,278 steps which was only 7.95 km and I had managed to burn 1438 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages and cheese, carrot cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner: fish, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, apple pie and cream egg trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I am not even expecting to go to the gym, instead I am going to have to have myself a go on some more of the  gym equipment which is at my home. I’m wondering if I am going to be able to catch up on stage 4 of the tour of Wattopia, tomorrow?

Now today I have had another lazy day, with just a little bit of running outside, the quarter of a mile between GM’s and my home, which I did quite quickly, in reality. If my watch is to be believed, as it said that I ran it at an average speed of something like 8 mph, which is something like 3 mph quicker than I have managed to get inside. I wasn’t even going that quick, at least I didn’t think that I was traveling that speed.

Then before that event I had been inside the GM’s house, helping them clear it out, as I’m thinking that they are planning on renting it out to a family who wants to send they’re children to a local school, I think it’s something like the postcode lottery or something. But I’ve never really got the postcode lottery, as in what is it? Is it a thing like the national lottery or does it have something to do with the location that you live and all of the shenanigans around it, like the sea side or shops, as I have heard people refer to the location as if it was a postcode lottery, and then they’ve got those adverts on the box which say about the peoples lottery which is where they are attempting to get many people to group together and then pay for them to not pull your groups name out of a thing.

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