Monday 27 May 2019

Day 2111

Day 2111;

Now today I have got a BMI of 19.40, steps were only 14,654 (9.49 km) and I had burned 1376 kcal today.

Breakfast: tart (nectarin, peach with cream) and strawberries.
Lunch: beef, broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans, potatoes, red cabbage, horseradish sauce, bread sauce and Eaton mess.
Dinner: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread), lemon cake and chocolate cake.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (raspberry), ginger ale, Shloer and hot Ribena.
Snacks: strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.

Now tomorrow I am planning on doing some more cycling around Wattopia which should be the fifth stage on the catch up week. Then also tomorrow I will be faced with the tough decision which will be to either go to the gym or down the rec for another little bicycle excursion, it’s tough as I would like to go to the gym as I haven’t been for weeks and then they’ve paid for my membership on a monthly basis, but the downside to that is the fact that we’re going to have to go to the gym in a car, which is bad for the environment and all. Then the next one is a tough decision as I know that the rec is slightly closer than the sports centre in distance driven (at least) as we’d have to drive to get there as it’s Tini doing the transportation to both of these events, as Tini has been known to get into the car to drive to the post box which is just about half way down our road.

Today I have completed my 10,000 steps in between the hours of 8 and 11 as I had completed a little cycle, between those hours, well I had managed to get myself up to over 10,000 steps by before lunch and I had done a little over 2 hour Zwift cycle. As I had done stage 7 of the tour this morning. Stage 7 was fun it was up the alps, apparently, well I have done it in just over 2 hours, something like 2 hours 7 minutes. So this time I managed to beat my old time by about 30 minutes, all it needed was someone else, someone that knew what they were doing, on the gears. 

Then after I was being lazy for the rest of the day, but then I thought that I had done, something else like a little jog on the spot, I cannot remember anything about that though, as I can remember that I watched some more of Game of Thrones, this time it was season 6, I think up to episode 3 of the season.

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